(a) Purpose and intent. It is the purpose of this article that a comprehensive system of sign regulations is hereby adopted to assure proper expression through visual communications involving signs that are compatible with the character and environment of this community to promote the growth of the City in an orderly, efficient, and attractive manner. It is further declared that these regulations serve to reveal a great deal about the community's pride and morale, aesthetic level, vitality, diversity, originality, culture, and sense of order, giving it a distinctive appearance and reinforcing the character of the Conejo Valley in its natural setting as adopted in the General Plan. Such standards shall be uniformly applied to promote fairness in competition and retain identity within the business community. It is further determined that these regulations in and by themselves cannot achieve the end result desired unless the community voluntarily upholds these conditions within an atmosphere of responsible freedom, utilizing principles of good design and mutual cooperation. Minimum standards are provided to safeguard the life, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design quality of materials and the construction, illumination, location, and maintenance of all signs, sign structures, and billboards, and at the same time attempting to provide functional flexibility, encourage variety, and create an incentive to relate signing to the basic principles of good design while trying to eliminate visual blight.
(b) Message neutrality. It is the policy of the City of Thousand Oaks to regulate signs in a manner that does not favor commercial speech over non-commercial speech, and that does not regulate protected non-commercial speech by message content.
(c) Message substitution policy. Subject to the private property owner's consent, a constitutionally protected non-commercial message of any category or content may be substituted, in whole or in part, for any allowed commercial message or any other protected non-commercial message, provided that the sign structure or mounting device is legal without consideration of message content. Such substitution of message may be made without any additional approval or permitting. The purpose of this provision is to prevent any favoring of commercial speech over non-commercial speech, or favoring of any particular protected non-commercial message over any other protected non-commercial message. Message substitution is a continuing right which may be exercised any number of times. The message substitution right does not:
(1) Create a right to increase the total amount of sign display area on a site or parcel;
(2) Create a right to substitute an off-site commercial message in place of an on-site commercial message or in place of a non-commercial message;
(3) Affect the requirement that a sign structure or mounting device must be properly permitted;
(4) Authorize changing the physical method of image presentation, such as digital or neon display without a permit;
(5) Authorize a physical change to the sign structure without compliance with applicable building codes, safety codes, and neutrally-applicable rules for sign size, height, orientation, setback, separation or illumination.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1621-NS, eff. September 30, 2016)
No sign or other advertising display shall be painted, placed, pasted, posted, printed, tacked, fastened, constructed, erected or otherwise displayed without first securing a permit pursuant to Section 9-4.2312. Change in copy and/or sign facia shall require a permit and sign seal. The permit and seal requirements shall not be applicable to temporary political signs.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by § 18, Ord. 907-NS, eff. February 11, 1986)
For the purposes of this article, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrases used in this article are defined as follows:
“Advertising display” shall mean any sign, device, or contrivance, and all parts thereof, which is used to advertise products, goods, services, or activities or otherwise promote the sale of objects or identify objects for the sale thereof.
“Animated sign” shall mean any sign that moves, or any portion of which moves, revolves, or rotates in any manner.
“Announcement sign” shall mean a sign erected, displayed, and used to proclaim, state, or declare the future construction of a building project on the subject property upon the approval of a development permit for that project.
“Area of a sign” shall mean and be computed as the entire area within a single continuous perimeter of not more than eight (8) straight lines enclosing the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblem, logo, or any figure of similar character, together with any material or color forming an integral part or background of the display or used to differentiate such sign from the backdrop or structure against which it is placed. Only one face of a double-faced sign shall be considered in determining sign area provided both sides are of essentially similar design and not more than twenty-four (24") inches apart. The supports, uprights, structures, or extraneous design features of a sign shall not be included in determining the sign area unless they are designed in such a manner as to form an integral part or background of the display.
“Balloon” shall mean an inflated sphere or ball shape commonly made out of rubber, mylar, canvas or nylon material.
“Banner” shall mean a strip of cloth, plastic or paper upon which a sign or message is painted or printed.
“Billboard” shall mean the same as “off-site freestanding sign.”
“Building frontage” shall mean those frontages which face upon a public or private street or parking area between such building and the street. Where a building faces two (2) or more streets, the frontage containing the principal entrance to the building shall be designated as the building frontage.
“Business directory sign” shall mean a freestanding sign containing the name of the shopping center on which the sign is located and the names of the separate businesses also located within that center.
“Changeable copy sign” shall mean a sign which is characterized by changeable copy, including a painted sign, regardless of the method of attachment.
“Community” shall mean a physical entity of common interests, including residential subdivisions or neighborhoods and industrial parks.
“Construction sign” shall mean a sign stating the names of the individuals or firms directly connected with the construction project. Such sign may include the name of the City in which the business is located and emergency telephone numbers.
“Directional sign,” except a “subdivision directional sign” as defined in this section, shall mean a sign which only contains any of the following words: “entrance,” “enter,” “exit,” “in,”
“out,” or other similar words, or a sign containing arrows or other characters indicating traffic directions and used either in conjunction with such words or separately. No directional sign shall contain any advertising or trade name identification.
“Eave” shall mean that portion of the roof line extending beyond the building wall or canopy attachment on the wall having the simulated appearance of an eave.
“Flag” shall mean a rectangular-shaped piece of cloth having a distinctive symbol or design.
“Flashing sign” shall mean any sign which contains or is illuminated by lights which are intermittently on and off, which change in intensity, or which create the illusion of flashing in any manner.
“Foot lambert” shall mean a quantitative unit for measuring brightness equal to one lumen per square foot.
“Freestanding sign” shall mean a sign for which a building permit has been issued and is permanently supported by one or more uprights, braces, poles, or other similar structural components when utilizing earth, rock, the ground, or any foundation set in the ground as a primary holding base. Such signs which project through a roof projection or canopy, around which there are no enclosing walls, and “monument signs,” as defined in this section, shall be considered freestanding signs.
“Height of sign” shall mean the vertical distance from the average surface grade immediately surrounding the base of the sign to the top of its highest element, including any structural element.
“Illuminated sign” shall mean any sign for which a source of light is used in order to make readable the message. This definition shall include internally and externally lighted signs and reflectorized, glowing, or radiating signs.
“Lumens” shall mean a quantitative unit for measuring light output or intensity and as a relationship between candelas, lumens, and footcandles (luminous intensity or candlepower = one candela).
“Marquee” shall mean a permanent shelter used only as a roof and supported by the main building and projecting in whole or in part over the building line or public property.
“Marquee sign” shall mean a sign attached to or hung from a marquee.
“Menu board” shall mean a sign displaying the menu of a drive-through restaurant where customers place their food and drink orders while seated in vehicles in drive-through service lanes.
“Monument sign” shall mean a low-profile freestanding sign incorporating the design and building materials accenting the architectural theme of the buildings on the same property. All such signs shall be subject to the provisions of Article 18 (Design Review: Requirements and Procedure) of this chapter.
“Off-site sign” shall mean a sign which displays commercial or noncommercial messages related to property, goods, services not found on or related to the property upon which the sign is located.
“On-site sign” shall mean a sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, industry, or other activity which is sold, offered, or conducted on the premises upon which such sign is located or to which it is affixed. Not more than twenty (20%) percent of the total allowable on-site sign area shall be devoted to the advertising of a standard namebrand commodity or service which is not the exclusive commodity or service being sold or rendered on the premises or a part of the name of the business concern involved. A parcel of record having an access easement as its only street frontage may place its on-site sign on such easement.
“Order board” shall mean a sign associated with a drive-through restaurant, other than a menu board, where customers seated in vehicles in drive-through service lanes communicate with an attendant to place their food and drink orders.
“Parcel of record” or “property” shall mean any separate parcel of property as shown on the latest available assessor’s maps; provided, however, when a shopping center has been divided into separate parcels, it shall continue to be considered as one parcel of record; and provided, further, where one tenant, business, or enterprise occupies two (2) or more contiguous parcels, it shall be considered as one parcel of record.
“Pennant” shall mean a triangular or tapered-to-a-point shaped piece of cloth, plastic or paper used for identification or signaling.
“Permanent sign” shall mean a sign intended to be erected and maintained for a period of time in excess of thirty (30) days.
“Portable, moveable, or temporary sign” shall mean any sign for which a building permit has not been issued, and which is not permanently affixed or erected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Title 8 of this Code, or any sign which is intended to be moveable or capable of being moved from place to place, whether or not wheels or other special supports are provided.
“Political sign” shall mean a sign erected prior to an election to advise or identify a candidate, campaign issue, election proposition, or other related matters.
“Preview board” shall mean a sign displaying the menu of a drive-through restaurant where customers seated in vehicles in drive-through service lanes preview the menu before pulling up to a menu board.
“Projecting sign” shall mean any sign which projects more than twelve (12") inches from the wall of a building.
“Real estate sign” shall mean a sign which advertises the sale, rental or lease of the property or a portion thereof.
“Rider” shall mean an attachment to a sign that is not an integral part of the display panel of the sign.
“Roof” shall mean the cover of any building and shall include the eaves and similar projections. Elevators or equipment housing, penthouses, or similar structures shall not be considered in determining the roof location unless they comprise more than sixty (60%) percent of the roof area.
“Roof sign” shall mean any sign erected, constructed, or placed upon or over a roof or parapet wall of a building and which is wholly or partly supported by such building.
“Sale” shall mean the act of transferring the ownership and title to property from one person to another.
“Sign” shall include, without limitation thereto, all outdoor advertising on any card, cloth, paper, paint, plastic, metal, painted glass, or wooden or stone material, and any and all devices, structural and otherwise, lighted or unlighted, painted or not painted, attached to, made a part of, or placed in the window of, or in the front, rear, sides, or top of any structure on any land or any rock, bush, wall, tree, post, fence, building, or structure and visible from any public or private street, way, thoroughfare, alley, or wall, which device in any manner, or by any means, whether enumerated in this subsection or not, announces or directs attention to the name, nature, merits, availability, price, or type of goods, services, or products produced, sold, stored, furnished, or available at that location or at any other location, including signs specifically for the sale of real property, and includes all parts, portions, units, and materials composing the same, together with the frame, background, structure, support, and anchorage therefor, as the case may be, but does not include official notices issued by any court (or public body) or officer or directional warning or information signs or structures required by or authorized by law or by Federal, State, County, or City authority. The term “placed,” as used in this section, shall include erected, projected, constructed, posted, painted, printed, tacked, glued, stuck, carved, or otherwise fastened, fixed, or made visible in any manner whatsoever.
“Shopping center” shall mean commercial retail buildings and associated facilities which have been designed and developed together as an integrated unit using modern site planning techniques as defined in Sections 9-4.1200, 9-4.1400, and 9-4.1500 of this chapter for the C-1, C-3 and C-4 Zones, respectively. In the C-2 Zone, a shopping center shall mean a group of four (4) or more businesses which function as an integral unit on a single parcel or separate parcels and which businesses utilize common off-street parking or access.
“Street frontage” shall mean the linear frontage of a parcel of record on a private or public street providing its principal access or visibility. When a parcel is served by an easement, only the frontage of that easement may be computed as street frontage.
“Subdivision” shall mean improved or unimproved land or lands divided, or proposed to be divided, for the purpose of sale or lease or financing into five (5) or more lots or parcels and having a tract number issued by the office of the County Recorder.
“Subdivision directional sign” shall mean any sign which informs the viewer as to the route or change of direction of travel in order to arrive at the land development project. This type of sign may only display necessary travel directions, the name of the land development project, any characteristic trademark, insignia, or similar device of the developer, and any identifying material as required by these regulations.
“Under-canopy sign” shall mean any lighted or unlighted display attached to the underside of a projecting canopy or marquee protruding over public or private sidewalks or rights-of-way and having the required ground clearance as otherwise required in this article.
"Way-finder sign" shall mean an off-site sign designed and constructed solely for the purpose of providing direction to one or more destinations.
“Window sign” shall mean any sign painted, attached, glued, or otherwise affixed to a window and designed to be viewed from adjoining streets, malls, or parking lots.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by §§ I and II, Ord. 423-NS, eff. February 14, 1974, as amended by Ord. 1130-NS, eff. January 7, 1992, § 1, Ord. 1218-NS, eff. September 27, 1994, § 1, Ord. 1321-NS, eff. June 18, 1998, § IV, Ord. 1477-NS, eff. June 14, 2007 and § 3, Ord. 1551- NS, eff. February 10, 2011)
(a) Construction. Every sign and all parts, portions, units, and materials comprising the same, together with the frame, background, supports, or anchorage therefor, shall be manufactured, fabricated, assembled, constructed, and erected in compliance with all applicable State, Federal, and City laws and regulations.
(b) Maintenance. Every sign and all parts, portions, units, and materials comprising the same, together with the frame, background, supports, or anchorage therefor, shall be maintained in proper repair and a proper state of preservation. The display surface of all signs shall be kept neatly painted and/or posted.
(c) Notices to maintain, alter, or repair. Upon a written notice from the Building Official or Community Development Department, the necessary maintenance, alterations, or repairs shall be made within ten (10) days after the date of such notice.
(d) Removal. Signs pertaining to enterprises or occupants which are no longer using the premises to which the sign relates shall be painted out, obliterated, or removed from the premises within thirty (30) days after the associated enterprise or occupant has vacated the premises. Permitted temporary signs, such as political or construction signs, shall be displayed no sooner than forty-five (45) days before, and removed no later than seven (7) days after, the occurrence or completion of the event or election or other purpose serviced by the sign.
(e) Public nuisances: Abatement. Any sign violating the provisions of this section shall constitute a public nuisance and shall be subject to abatement pursuant to the provisions of this section. The Community Development Director, upon a determination that a sign is in violation of this article, shall give notice to the candidate, property owner, sign owner, or, when a ballot proposition is involved, the person or group advocating the vote described on the sign to remove the offending sign. After reasonable opportunity has been given to remove the sign or remedy the violation, the Community Development Director may cause the sign to be removed, and the cost of removal shall be billed to the sign’s owner, the property owner, or other responsible party, which, in the case of political signs, shall be the candidate for which the sign is displayed or the group advocating the position on the ballot proposition which the sign supports. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Community Development Director may cause any sign which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily and without prior notice. If a sign is summarily removed pursuant to this section, the Community Development Director shall give notice of the removal to the appropriate parties as soon as it is reasonably possible after the removal.
(f) Unauthorized removal of political signs. No person shall remove, destroy, relocate, or otherwise disturb any political sign without the permission of the party who erected the sign. It shall be presumed, as to signs for political candidates, that the political candidate or his or her representative is the party who erected the sign. It shall further be assumed that the committee who has registered with the Secretary of the State to support a position on a ballot proposition is the party who erected the sign taking the position on a ballot measure. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the owner of a piece of property, or his or her authorized representative, from removing a sign from his or her property when the political sign has been erected without his or her consent; and provided, further, nothing in this subsection shall prevent the Community Development Director or his authorized representatives from taking action to abate sign violations pertaining to political signs pursuant to subsection (e) of this section.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by § I, Ord. 359-NS, eff. April 12, 1973, § 1, Ord. 741-NS, eff. April 3, 1980, and § I, Ord. 810-NS, eff. June 24, 1982)
(a) The following signs shall be permitted in the Rural-Agricultural (R-A), Rural-Exclusive (R-E), Single-Family Estate (R-0), Single-Family Residential (R-1), and Two-Family Residential (R-2) Zones:
(1) One unlighted sign, not more than six (6) square feet in area, with copy pertaining only to the sale or lease of the property or premises upon which it is displayed shall be permitted; provided, however, such sign shall not be located closer than five (5’) feet to any property line abutting a public road, street, or highway and shall not exceed six (6’) feet in height. In addition, for parcels of land five (5) acres or more, such sign may be increased to twenty-four (24) square feet in area provided the height shall not exceed eight (8’) feet and no dimension of the panel face shall exceed six (6’) feet. Such signs shall be removed within three (3) days following the completion of the sale.
(2) The Community Development Director may authorize a low-profile monument identification sign showing the name of a community provided the overall size of the sign, including all riders, is not larger than fifty (50) square feet, with no dimension exceeding ten (10’) feet. The number of such signs shall be limited to not more than two (2) for any particular community.
(3) Temporary political signs shall be permitted and shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and six (6’) feet in visible height. No more than one such sign per candidate or position on a ballot issue shall be displayed on any one side of a parcel of record which has frontage on a public street, but in no case shall any sign for any candidate or any position on a ballot issue, on different street frontages, be closer than one hundred (100’) feet, measured in a straight line between such signs. Such signs shall not be placed in the public right-of-way or upon public property.
(b) The following signs shall be permitted in the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) and Residential Planned Development (R-P-D) Zones:
(1) All signs permitted as set forth in subsection (a) of this section and Section 9-4.2306 of this article shall be permitted.
(2) The Community Development Director may authorize one unlighted or softly backlighted low-profile monument sign, not to exceed a height of five (5’) feet or an area of twenty-four (24) square feet, or an attached building sign not to exceed ore square foot per dwelling unit and in no case exceeding a total of fifty (50) square feet.
(3) After the issuance of a development permit, the Community Development Director may permit one single-faced unlighted sign on a parcel of record to identify the project, contractor, and/or leasing agent. Such sign shall not total more than twenty-four (24) square feet in area. No portion of any sign allowed by the provisions of this section shall have a height of more than ten (10’) feet or have a dimension of the panel face that exceeds eight (8’) feet. Such signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(4) Temporary political signs shall be permitted and shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and six (6’) feet in visible height, and no more than one such sign per candidate or issue shall be displayed per parcel of record. Such signs shall not be in the public right-of-way.
(5) One unlighted sign, not more than six (6) square feet in area, with copy pertaining only to the sale or lease of the property or premises upon which it is displayed shall be permitted; provided, however, such sign shall not be located closer than five (5’) feet to any property line abutting a public road, street, or highway and shall not exceed six (6’) feet in height. In addition, for parcels of land five (5) acres or more, such sign may be increased to twenty-four (24) square feet in area provided the height shall not exceed eight (8') feet and no dimension of the panel face shall exceed six (6’) feet. Such signs shall be removed within three (3) days following the completion of the sale.
(6) Religious facility directional signs may be located on private property within a one-mile radius of the religious facility location provided written consent from the property owner is submitted to the Community Development Department and subject to a review by the Community Development Director to determine if the location is appropriate. Such a determination shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the sign visibility and proximity to surrounding residences. The size of the sign panel shall be limited to four (4) square feet, but no dimension shall exceed two (2') feet, and the sign shall not exceed a height of eight (8') feet as measured from the elevation of the adjacent public street centerline. The number of such signs shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) per religious facility, unless there is sufficient justification to consider the installation of one additional sign, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. To obtain a uniform design, the sign shall be constructed of a dark stained wood material including a wood panel. The sign copy shall contain the following information: directions, distance or address, name, denomination, and logo, if the religious facility desires.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by §§ II and III, Ord. 359-NS, eff. April 12, 1973, §§ III and IV, Ord. 423-NS, eff. February 14, 1974, § I, Ord. 585-NS, eff. August 26, 1976, § 2, Ord. 741-NS, eff. April 3, 1980, § 28, Ord. 1392-NS, eff. June 7, 2002, and § 6, Ord. 1621-NS, eff. September 30, 2016)
In the case of new subdivisions, the following signs may also be permitted; provided, however, only subdivision directional signs may be permitted in locations other than within the subdivision site boundaries:
(a) The Community Development Director may issue subdivision sign permits for two (2) advertising signs and one subdivision directional sign after the payment of a fee prescribed by Council resolution to the Community Development Department. The Community Development Director may also authorize up to two (2) additional signs after a final subdivision map has been recorded. Such signs shall be subject to all the following provisions:
(1) The signs may be single-faced or double-faced, and advertising signs shall not exceed eighteen (18’) feet in height, and subdivision directional signs shall not exceed twelve (12’) feet in height.
(2) Neither the horizontal nor the vertical dimension of an advertising sign face shall exceed fifteen (15'’) feet, and the total area shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet.
(3) Neither the horizontal nor the vertical dimension of a subdivision directional sign face shall exceed ten (10') feet, and the total area shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet.
(4) No riders or illumination shall be permitted. There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards, or appurtenances added to the sign as originally approved.
(5) Any such sign approved for a particular subdivision within the City shall not be changed to
advertise another subdivision without the prior approval of the Community Development Director.
(6) Such signs may be established along, but not within, the right-of-way of any highway, street, or thoroughfare; provided, however, such signs may not be erected along established and existing freeways which have been designated as freeway routes by the Division of Highways of the State.
(7) Such signs shall be at least one thousand (1,000) linear feet apart on the same side of a public road or street and the same distance apart at an intersection of such streets following the right-of-way line.
(8) Such signs shall be erected on a vacant unimproved parcel of record unless such parcel exceeds five (5) acres in size and is situated one hundred (100') feet from a structure on such parcel and set back a minimum of twenty (20') feet from a structure on adjacent parcels.
(9) Unless a time extension is granted by the Community Development Director, such signs may be maintained for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date upon which the final subdivision map was recorded or a preliminary subdivision public report was issued, or until all of the lots in the subdivision have been initially sold, whichever occurs first.
(10) Prior to erecting any sign approved by the Community Development Director, a cash deposit or certificate of deposit in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) Dollars shall be filed with, and accepted by, the Community Development Director for each sign, and the applicant shall file a written statement from the property owner authorizing either the applicant or the City to go onto the property at any time to remove the sign. In the event of failure to perform or comply with any term or provision pertaining to such sign, the Community Development Director may declare the deposit forfeited. Upon the expiration of the sign approval and removal of the sign, the deposit may be refunded by the Community Development Director upon an application made thereto. The Two Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) Dollar deposit may be allowed to include more than one subdivision sign provided the estimated removal cost of all such signs is less than the deposit amount and the signs are erected by the same company and advertise the same subdivision.
(11) Political sign copy shall be permitted on existing advertising and/or directional signs of subdivisions subject to the time limits set forth in subsection (d) of Section 9-4.2304 of this article.
(b) One feature sign and one model home sign identifying each particular model, not exceeding two (2') feet by three (3') feet in size, shall be permitted. Model home complex flags may be displayed and shall be limited to one flag per model. Such flags shall not exceed fifteen (15') feet in height and a flag area of four (4) square feet. Such flags shall be replaced at least once every eight (8) weeks from and after the commencement of their use. Prior to erecting any flag approved by the Community Development Director, a cash deposit or certificate of deposit in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) Dollars shall be filed with, and accepted by, the Community Development Director for all flags to guarantee the replacement of the flags within a minimum time span of eight (8) weeks. Upon the removal of the flags and proof of compliance with all the provisions of this section, the deposit shall be refunded by the Community Development Director upon an application made thereto.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by § IV, Ord. 359-NS, eff. April 12, 1973, § 1, Ord. 462-NS, eff. June 13, 1974, § XII, Ord. 581-NS, eff. August 12, 1976, and § VII, Ord. 776-NS, eff. April 16, 1981)
Advertising signs, structures, or devices of any character placed or maintained on any land used as a trailer park shall be used only for the purpose of identifying or advertising the trailer park and the accommodations offered. Before being erected, the size, character, location, and number of all such advertising signs, structures, or devices shall be approved by the Commission. Any proposed freestanding sign shall not exceed twenty (20') feet in height or fifty (50) square feet in area, and any proposed wall sign shall not extend above the top of the wall nor exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. A freestanding sign may be softly illuminated from the interior, but any wall sign shall be only indirectly lighted. Small directional or traffic control signs, lighted or unlighted, may be erected and maintained within the limits of the trailer park or on adjoining property when approved by the Community Development Director as to location and character. No other advertising sign, structure, or device shall be permitted in the Trailer Park Development Zone, except unlighted signs not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in area pertaining to the sale or lease of the lot upon which they are displayed. Temporary political signs shall be permitted pursuant to the requirements of Sections 9-4.2305 and 9-4.2306 of this article concerning signs in residential zones.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by § 3, Ord. 741-NS, eff. April 3, 1980)