For the purposes of determining the linkage fee amount to be charged, every nonresidential development will be classified into one of the following nonresidential land use categories:
(a) Retail/Commercial – includes but is not limited to retail, service, and commercial uses, or similar uses in a center, stand alone, or mixed use format;
(b) Office – includes but is not limited to professional, administrative and medical offices;
(c) Lodging – includes but is not limited to hotels and motels and extended stay facilities;
(d) Industrial – includes but is not limited to warehouse, manufacturing, storage and similar facilities; or,
(e) Research and development or flex space – Includes but is not limited to research and development, laboratory or other similar facilities. Flex space is space that can be used in a combination of office, warehouse, industrial and or showroom usage.
(§ 1, Ord. 1506-NS, eff. October 9, 2008)