In addition to the information required by Section 9-3.504 of this article, the tentative map shall also contain the following information:
(a) Any significant adjacent topographic features which may materially affect the design of the subdivision. If features are not shown, contour intervals shall be as follows:
(1) One (1’) foot when the slope of ground is less than five (5%) percent;
(2) Two (2’) feet when the slope of ground is between five (5%) and ten (10%) percent;
(3) Five (5’) feet when the slope of ground is between ten (10%) and twenty-five (25%) percent;
(4) Ten (10’) feet when the slope of ground is greater than twenty-five (25%) percent. At least every fifth contour shall be clearly labeled and indicated so as to be distinctive;
(5) The delineation of natural slope categories as follows:
(i) 0 – 10%;
(ii) 10.1 – 15%;
(iii) 15.1 – 24.9%; and
(iv) 25% or greater;
(6) The top and toe of all proposed slopes or embankments shown as dotted lines and the slopes or embankments shaded lightly so as not to obscure other data. All contemplated grading shall be so indicated;
(7) The daylight line between cut and fill slopes and between those and natural slopes;
(b) The individual lot lines and approximate dimensions and the number of each lot. All lots, and the dimensions thereof, shall be shown on one sheet of the map;
(c) The existing zoning and proposed uses of all lots; e.g., single-family, multiple-family, commercial, industrial, school, park, open space, or other;
(d) All structures, fences, tree rows, wells, utility poles, prominent features, and land uses within the subdivision, whether or not they are to remain, including those within three hundred (300’) feet of the proposed subdivision on immediately adjoining land;
(e) All known archeological sites and the limits thereof within or adjacent to the subdivision;
(f) The approximate location and direction of flow of all watercourses and natural drainage channels;
(g) The street right-of-way width and improvements on all roads and streets (public and private) within, adjacent to, or affected by the subdivision; and
(h) The location of all oak trees and other significant trees, vegetation, and natural features.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980)