Sec. 9-4.2528. Self-storage facilities.
   (a)   Intent and purpose. The intent and purpose of this section is to define where a self-storage facility may be permitted within the City of Thousand Oaks and to provide development requirements, design guidelines, and operational standards and limitations imposed for such facilities. Section 9-4.202 of the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code provides a definition for such facilities.
   (b)   Permitted: Conditions and limitations. Self-storage facilities may be a primary use in the M-1 and M-2 zones if a Special Use Permit application has been approved by the Planning Commission and as provided by Article 18 of this chapter. The physical building the self-storage facility use is located within is subject to the prescribed zoning district standards and permitting process, unless otherwise stated in the following standards:
   (1)   Zoning Designation. Self-Storage facilities are only allowed in the M-1 and M-2 zones with the approval of a Special Use Permit.
   (i)   Distance standards. Self-storage facilities are prohibited to be located within 1,000 feet of Route 101 Freeway or Route 23 Freeway, and within 500 feet of any arterial roads as measured from the nearest property lines and/or easement boundaries for roadway purposes, whichever provides the greater distance. If any portion of a parcel is located within these linear distances, the whole of the subject lot is prohibited from containing a self-storage facility.
   (ii)   Minimum lot size. Minimum lot size is 20,000 square feet.
   (iii)   Maximum lot size. Maximum lot size is two (2) acres (87,120 square feet).
   (iv)   Setbacks. Each facility shall maintain a minimum setback as prescribed for the zone and lot type provided in Article 25, sections 9-4.2504, 2505, 2508, except as follows:
   aa.   Setbacks, Front: If ground floor office, retail, restaurant, and or caretaker unit is provided along the entire front of the structure on the street frontage, then the following standards shall apply:
   i.   M-1: minimum of 100 feet from the centerline of the public street.
   ii.   M-2: Ten (10’) feet. For structures exceeding 30 feet in height, an additional one (1’) foot for each two (2) feet in height is required.
   bb.   If the above-mentioned ground floor uses are not provided, the building must be placed behind another building on the same parcel with a minimum setback of one hundred (100') feet from the property line along the street frontage.
   (v)   Maximum height. Thirty-five (35’) feet in height.
   (2)   Architectural Standards. Self-storage facilities shall comply with the following design standards:
   (i)   Single uninterrupted wall panes shall be softened with the use of staggering vertical walls a minimum of six (6”) inches, roof overhangs designed for solar shading, and deep reveals at construction joints.
   (ii)   360-degree building architecture is required. The buildings shall adhere to the City of Thousand Oaks adopted Design Guidelines for Commercial Development Projects and Industrial Projects, which may be amended from time to time.
   (iii)   Colors and materials. Contrasting colors, patterns, textures and finishes shall be used to add variety and interest to structures.
   aa.   Muted earth tone colors (such as off-white, ochre, sienna, umber, beige, tan, brown, or other similar subdued colors) are required for primary building surfaces. Richer color accents may be used on limited architectural elements, such as, covered entries, window awnings and solar shading elements, and fascia elements, but not tower elements.
   bb.   Materials. A maximum of four exterior building materials are permitted. Materials such as masonry, brick, concrete, or wood can be combined to attractively define scale.
   (iv)   Windows and Doors. Window configurations shall be compatible with the design of the building. Recessed openings shall be used to provide contrast by varying patterns of shades, sunlight, and depth. Storefront glass systems are required for the office, retail, and restaurant spaces if they are provided. Regular intervals of glazing is required on the remainder of the building fronting the public right-of-way. No spandrel glass to be used on the building’s exterior façade.
   aa.   Entrances and access.
   i.   Pedestrian friendly elements, such as trellises, pergolas or landscaped allées in parking areas leading to the main entrance and along the building fronting the public right-of-way are required.
   ii.   Self-storage facilities shall not have individual entrances to storage units accessible from the exterior of the building. Access to self-storage units shall be from enclosed interior corridors, except self-storage units for the storage of motorcycles, automobiles, or recreation vehicles which are accessed by a 26-foot-wide drive-aisle with adequate circulation for fire engines to access each ground level unit. Exterior access for storage units for motorcycles, automobiles, or recreation vehicles are to be fully screened by the building from the street.
   (v)   A dedicated covered loading zone located at building entrances connected to the interior corridors measuring twelve (12’) feet wide by twenty (20’) feet deep and fourteen (14’) feet clear is required for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area and must be screened from the public right-of-way.
   (vi)   Elevators, lifts, or ramps are required for all self-storage facilities which are two-stories or taller.
   (vii)   Roofs. A variety of roof shapes and forms shall be utilized to add character and diversity. Appearance of roofs shall be improved with the use of steeper roof slopes and integrated fascias, darker colors, concealed fasteners, and other treatments.
   (viii)   Mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment shall be located on the rooftop screened with parapet walls, mechanical recesses, or other means.
   (ix)   Landscaping. Landscaping shall minimize the visual dominance and break the visual continuity of the surface parking areas, shall compliment on-site pedestrian circulation and amenities, and serve to moderate pavement temperature.
   (x)   Screening of parking areas. Parking areas shall be screened from the public right-of-way. Screening may include decorative walls, landscaped berms, shrubs, trees, and other landscaping or other screening methods as deemed appropriate by the Community Development Director.
   (3)   Operational Standards. Self-storage facilities shall include the following operational standards:
   (i)   Individual Rental Storage Unit. No individual rental storage space shall exceed five hundred (500) square feet.
   (ii)   Climate controlled. All self-storage units shall be individually climate controlled and maintained at a temperature of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and 50% to 55% humidity.
   (iii)   Lighting. The use of lighting must be integrally designed as part of the built environment and should reflect a balance of the lighting needs for the self-storage facility and surrounding nighttime characteristics of the community.
   aa.   Lighting should be designed to minimize glare and light spillover and maximize energy conservation.
   bb.   Full cut-off fixtures reduced mounting heights, and the use of shielding should be utilized to effectively control glare and light trespass.
   cc.   Maximum height of any light standard shall be fourteen (14’) feet.
   dd.   Low pressure sodium and mercury vapor lamps are prohibited.
   ee.   Photometric plans are required with all applications requesting self-storage facility lighting.
   (iv)   Backup power. Each self-storage facility shall be equipped with a back-up generator or photovoltaic and battery system capable of powering the entire facility for a minimum period of 12 hours.
   (v)   Security Features. Prior to commencing the self-storage facility operation, the facility shall install automatic pedestrian and vehicle gates with electronic access. Additionally, individual door alarms, surveillance cameras and monitoring stations shall be installed unless a caretaker unit is included within the self-storage facility as specified below in subdivision 9-4.2528(b)(5).
   aa.   Pedestrian and vehicle gates shall be architecturally compatible with the structure as determined by the Community Development Director. The location and operation of the gates shall not interfere with the pedestrian and vehicle movement in the public right-of-way as determined by the Public Works Director. Access to open the gates must be provided in accordance with emergency services requirements.
   bb.   Unless a caretaker unit is included within the self-storage facility, door alarms, surveillance cameras and monitoring station systems shall be installed and maintained at a reasonable industry standard and shall be operated 24-hours a day to monitor, at a minimum, the entrances and exits, any centralized point of sale and areas immediately surrounding the exterior of the business. Specifics of the systems, and any upgrades to the systems, shall be developed by the applicant in consultation with and approved by the City’s Police Department.
   (4)   Mixed Use. For parcels that front onto a public street, mixed uses of office, retail, restaurant, and or caretaker uses are optional on the ground-floor along the entire frontage of the building. If street-level nonresidential uses are provided, they shall occupy the street level floor area for a minimum depth of twenty (20’) feet.
   (5)   Caretaker Unit. A self-storage facility shall either provide 1) one on-site caretaker unit for one or more persons employed by and residing at the self-storage facility, or 2) provide security features as specified above in subdivision 9-4.2528(b)(3)(v)(bb). If a caretaker unit is provided, the following standards shall apply:
   (i)   The caretaker unit shall have individual entrances, directly accessible to the exterior of the self-storage facility structure and placed in a location nearest the public-right-of-way within the self-storage facility building. The caretaker unit is not required to have direct access to the management office.
   (ii)   An annual affidavit shall be submitted to the Community Development Director, which states that the unit is occupied by one or more persons employed by the self-storage facility, the number of people living in the unit, and the annual rental rate of the caretaker unit.
   (iii)   Occupancy of the caretaker unit shall be contingent upon the continual operation of the self-storage facility; and the caretakers unit use shall immediately cease if the storage facility ceases its operation.
   (6)   Accessory Uses. Accessory exterior storage within secured transportable units shall be confined to the area to the rear of the principal building, or the rear two-thirds of the property, whichever is more restrictive. The units shall be placed on hardscape material and be screened from view from any property line by appropriate walls, fencing, earth mounds, or landscaping. Exterior storage shall not displace required parking or landscaping.
   (7)   Prohibitions.
   (i)   The following are prohibited in a self-storage unit:
   aa.   Habitation.
   bb.   Storage of toxic or hazardous materials.
   cc.   Sale or distribution of stored goods.
   dd.   Operation of any business.
   (ii)   The following are prohibited from a self-storage operation:
   a.   Truck rental and the exterior storage of recreational vehicles and boats is prohibited from and on the property.
   (8)   Existing Self-storage Facilities.
   (i)   Existing Uses deemed approved.
   aa.   All permitted legal nonconforming self-storage facilities in existence and lawfully operating in the city immediately prior to the effective date of this Section shall be considered a “deemed approved” self-storage facility.
   bb.   A deemed approved facility may continue to lawfully operate consistent with issued permits.
   cc.   Either a one-time interior expansion or one-time exterior addition to a deemed approved facility can be processed in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9-4.2702 Nonconforming Buildings and Uses; except as specified herein as identified in this paragraph and below in subdivisions (1) and (2). Any interior expansion or exterior addition of square footage to a deemed approved facility shall require the deemed approved facility to provide related parking. Any interior expansion or exterior addition of square footage to a deemed approved facility may provide mixed uses as specified above in subdivision 9-4.2528(b)(4). Any addition of square footage to a deemed approved facility shall either provide 1) a caretaker unit as specified above in subdivision 9-4.2528(b)(5) or 2) provide security features as specified above in subdivision 9-4.2528(b)(3)(v)(bb). The onetime interior expansion shall be required to implement all of the Operational Standards to and within the expansion and may upgrade the entire deemed approved facility to be in compliance with the Architectural and Operational standards. The one-time exterior addition shall be required to implement all of the Architectural and Operational Standards to and within the addition and may upgrade the entire deemed approved facility to be in compliance with the Architectural and Operational standards.
   (1)   The one-time interior expansion is not to exceed the existing building footprint and may not expand beyond the parcel boundaries existing as of the effective date of this Section; or
   (2)   A one-time exterior addition to the deemed approved facility is not to exceed the lesser of ten (10%) percent of the existing gross building floor area, or eight thousand (8,000) square feet. The one-time exterior addition may not expand beyond the parcel boundaries existing as of the effective date of this Section.
   dd.   Any discontinuance of a deemed approved facility for six or more months shall be deemed abandoned and require approval of a new Special Use Permit and a Development Permit or Minor Modification in compliance with this Chapter.
   ee.   If any deemed approved facility or use is demolished or destroyed involuntarily by an explosion, flood, fire, tornado, hurricane or any other natural occurrence, any new building or structure on the premises for the deemed approved use may be constructed according to the zoning standards and requirements existing at the time the demolished structures were originally constructed if an application for the reconstruction is submitted within twelve (12) months from the date of the involuntary demolition or destruction. Failure to submit an application for the reconstruction as specified above shall result in deemed approved facility to be abandoned, and new development shall conform to the provisions of Title 9 of this Code.
(§ 1, Ord. 1706-NS, eff. December 2, 2022)