The land or fees, or both, transferred to the district shall be used only for the purpose of providing interim elementary, intermediate, or high school classroom and related facilities. The location and amount of land to be dedicated or the amount of fees to be paid, or both, shall bear a reasonable relationship and shall be limited to the needs of the community for interim elementary, intermediate, or high school facilities and shall be reasonably related and limited to the need for school facilities caused by the development. The facilities to be constructed from such fees or the land to be dedicated, or both, shall be consistent with the City’s General Plan, and a finding to that effect shall be made by the Planning Commission or the Council.
If conditions of overcrowding no longer exist, the City shall cease levying any fee or requiring the dedication of any land pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(§ 1, Ord. 684-NS, eff. August 17, 1978)