Sec. 9-4.2509.5. Area requirements for accessory buildings.
   (a)   Accessory buildings, excluding any secondary residential accessory dwelling units authorized by Section 9-4.2521, in all R Zones shall not have a floor area in excess of six hundred (600) square feet nor shall any accessory building in any R Zone have a floor area in excess of fifty (50%) percent of the footprint of the principal or main building unless otherwise authorized as part of a residential planned development permit in the RPD and HPD zones or subject to the approval of an Administrative Approval in the R-A, R-E, R-O, R-1 and R-2 Zones in accordance with Section 9-4.2815.
   (b)   Cumulative floor area of accessory buildings in any R Zone exclusive of accessory dwelling units pursuant to Section 9-4.2521 shall not exceed one hundred (100%) percent of the footprint of the principal or main building on a single lot or parcel of land.
   (c)   Estate lots in the R-A, R-E, R-O and R-1 Zones which are five (5) acres in size or greater shall be considered exempt from area requirements for accessory buildings except for area requirements applicable to accessory dwelling units pursuant to Section 9-4.2521.
(§ VI, Ord. 997-NS, eff. May 17, 1988, as amended by Part 10, Ord. 1678-NS, eff. February 28, 2020)