Sec. 9-3.502. Submission of tentative maps: Environmental documentation.
   (a)    Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, each proposed subdivision shall first be submitted to the Community Development Department in the form of a tentative map. Tentative maps shall be prepared and submitted in compliance with all applicable State and City laws. Tentative maps shall be filed in the office of the Community Development Department.
   (b)   Unless otherwise authorized in advance by the City Council, no application for a tentative map shall be deemed filed and accepted for filing unless the subdivision and use of land requested in said application is permitted by the regulations of the underlying zone, Specific Plan (if applicable), and General Plan designation in which the property is located. When the Council deems it to be in the public's interest or appropriate for proper planning for the subject property, the Council may allow a tentative map application to be filed and processed concurrently with a proposed change of the zone classification, Specific Plan, and/or General Plan or amendment thereto, where such change is necessary to accommodate the proposed subdivision or use. Where concurrent processing is permitted, the required public hearings for the entitlements and associated zoning, Specific Plan or General Plan legislative actions shall be combined, and only the Council shall make the final decision on the subdivision entitlement application(s).
   (c)    Tentative maps shall not be deemed filed until any environmental documentation required under the California Environmental Quality Act has been completed.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1331-NS, eff. March 10, 1999)
Sec. 9-3.503. Preliminary procedure.
   Subdividers desiring to file a tentative subdivision map shall first obtain a tract number from the County Surveyor upon the payment of the fee prescribed therefor by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County. Tract numbers may be obtained only after the subdivider has provided the County Surveyor with a description and plan showing the boundaries of the proposed subdivision, the area around it, and its relation to nearby public roads at a scale of one (1") inch equals five hundred (500’) feet. If a tentative map has not been submitted for approval within one year after the date of the issuance of a tract number, the number shall no longer be valid and shall be cancelled by the County Surveyor. No number which has been used previously on a map which has expired or was denied shall be used again. No tract number shall be issued whenever another valid tract number exists for all or part of the land lying within the proposed subdivision, unless the application is for a “dash number” of an approved tentative tract. Such dash numbers shall be issued only for tentative tracts which have an approved phasing plan.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980)
Sec. 9-3.504. Information to be provided on tentative maps: General.
   Each tentative map submitted to the Community Development Department shall consist of one or more sheets of equal size. The scale of the map shall be one (1") inch equals one hundred (100’) feet, if the sheets of the map do not exceed forty-two (42") inches along any side; otherwise the scale shall be one (1") inch equals two hundred (200’) feet. The Community Development Director may approve the use of any scale not specified in this section. The map shall contain the following information in addition to any requirements of the City departments which review the map:
   (a)   A vicinity or area map at a scale of one inch equals five hundred (500’) feet showing the major existing circulation pattern, all proposed major streets, existing major watercourses, existing County Flood Control District channels, and school, park, and open space areas existing or proposed within one-half (1/2) mile or any other appropriate greater distance when necessary to depict such features which relate significantly to the subdivision;
   (b)   In or near the lower right-hand corner of the first sheet;
   (1)   The tract number or land division number;
   (2)   The name and address of the subdivider;
   (3)   The name and address of the owners;
   (4)   The north point and scale of the map;
   (5)   The name and address of the person preparing the map;
   (6)   The date the map was prepared;
   (7)   The total number of lots;
   (8)   The area of the subdivision, both as to the total area and the area excluding all property to be dedicated for exclusive public uses;
   (9)   The minimum, maximum, and average lot size; and
   (10)    The average natural slopes, if greater than ten (10%) percent;
   (c)   All boundary lines of the subdivision with approximate bearings and distances; and
   (d)   The location and dimensions (including the area of lots or parcels larger than one acre) of each lot or parcel and its relation to surrounding surveys. The location of any remainder of the original parcel shall be shown by reference to the existing record boundaries of such remainder.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980)
Sec. 9-3.505. Topography lots.
   In addition to the information required by Section 9-3.504 of this article, the tentative map shall also contain the following information:
   (a)   Any significant adjacent topographic features which may materially affect the design of the subdivision. If features are not shown, contour intervals shall be as follows:
   (1)   One (1’) foot when the slope of ground is less than five (5%) percent;
   (2)   Two (2’) feet when the slope of ground is between five (5%) and ten (10%) percent;
   (3)   Five (5’) feet when the slope of ground is between ten (10%) and twenty-five (25%) percent;
   (4)   Ten (10’) feet when the slope of ground is greater than twenty-five (25%) percent. At least every fifth contour shall be clearly labeled and indicated so as to be distinctive;
   (5)   The delineation of natural slope categories as follows:
   (i)   0 – 10%;
   (ii)   10.1 – 15%;
   (iii)    15.1 – 24.9%; and
   (iv)   25% or greater;
   (6)   The top and toe of all proposed slopes or embankments shown as dotted lines and the slopes or embankments shaded lightly so as not to obscure other data. All contemplated grading shall be so indicated;
   (7)   The daylight line between cut and fill slopes and between those and natural slopes;
   (b)   The individual lot lines and approximate dimensions and the number of each lot. All lots, and the dimensions thereof, shall be shown on one sheet of the map;
   (c)   The existing zoning and proposed uses of all lots; e.g., single-family, multiple-family, commercial, industrial, school, park, open space, or other;
   (d)   All structures, fences, tree rows, wells, utility poles, prominent features, and land uses within the subdivision, whether or not they are to remain, including those within three hundred (300’) feet of the proposed subdivision on immediately adjoining land;
   (e)   All known archeological sites and the limits thereof within or adjacent to the subdivision;
   (f)   The approximate location and direction of flow of all watercourses and natural drainage channels;
   (g)   The street right-of-way width and improvements on all roads and streets (public and private) within, adjacent to, or affected by the subdivision; and
   (h)   The location of all oak trees and other significant trees, vegetation, and natural features.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980)