Sec. 9-4.2404. General installation requirements of parking areas.
   Every use hereby inaugurated, and every building or structure hereafter erected, or altered, shall have permanently maintained parking spaces in accordance with the provisions as set forth in this section. For the purposes of this section, vehicle parking spaces in the driveway shall not be considered in computing required parking spaces.
   (a)   Size.
   (1)   Each off-street parking space shall be at least nine (9') feet by twenty (20') feet for ninety (90º) degree stalls, eighteen (18') feet by seventeen and eight-tenths (17.8') feet for thirty (30º) degree stalls, twelve and seven-tenths (12.7') feet by twenty and five-tenths (20.5') feet for forty-five (45º) degree stalls, ten and four-tenths (10.4') feet by twenty-one and eight-tenths (21.8') feet for sixty (60º) degree stalls, and twenty-four (24') feet by nine (9') feet for one hundred eighty (180º) degree stalls.
   (2)   All parking stalls shall be double-striped with four (4") inch wide stripes, sixteen (16") inches on center.
   (b)   Location and type.
   (1)   Dwellings. Parking spaces shall be located on the same lot or building site as the dwelling they are to serve. Covered or enclosed spaces required for all dwelling units shall maintain an unencumbered interior width of nine (9') feet and an unencumbered interior depth of twenty (20') feet.
   (2)   Other uses. Parking spaces shall be located either on the same lot or parcel as the building or use they are to serve or on a contiguous lot unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
   (3)   Overhang. Depths for standard parking stalls may be reduced to a dimension of eighteen (18') feet and depths for compact parking stalls may be reduced to a dimension of fifteen (15') feet when spaces abut a landscape planter with a minimum width of six (6') feet or a sidewalk or similar paved area with a minimum width of six (6') feet. In cases involving overhang or projection of vehicles from more than one direction into the same unencumbered area, a minimum planter or sidewalk width of eight (8') feet shall be required.
   (4)   Tandem parking shall be prohibited in commercial, industrial and manufacturing zones unless approved by the City.
   (c)   Access and circulation.
   (1)   Driveways.
   (i)    Adequate vehicular and pedestrian sign visibility shall be provided and maintained at all intersections of public streets and private driveways in accordance with the criteria specified within Plate D-10 of Public Works Department standards and also at all points of interchange within the interior of the parking lot facility. The improvement plans for all projects shall demonstrate compliance with this plate and a means to execute ongoing maintenance to guarantee preservation of sight visibility. Stopping sight distance shall be a principal criteria in determining appropriate location of on-site or off-site improvements. It is especially critical that mature landscaping be considered in evaluating visibility, not just the barren ground. Stopping sight distance less than the minimum criteria as specified within Plate D-10 shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, if determined necessary by the City Traffic Engineer or the Community Development Director. Where applicable, C.C. and R’s shall require continued compliance with this condition and the requirements contained within Plate D-10.
   (ii)   Exits from parking lots shall be clearly posted with “Stop” signs.
   (iii)    Appropriate directional signs shall be maintained where needed and as required by the Community Development Director.
   (iv)    Driveway access to parking spaces for single-family dwellings shall not be less than ten (10') feet in width throughout, and turnaround areas may be used for required parking spaces. In cases where private private driveway exceeds fifty (50') feet in length, two (2) additional guest parking spaces and appropriate turnaround shall be required.
   (v)   Driveway access to all other uses shall have a width of not less than fourteen (14') feet if one-way or less than twenty-five (25') feet for a two-way access. In the C-2 Zone, however, driveway access may be reduced to a width of not less than twelve (12') feet for a one-way access or twenty (20') feet for a two-way access provided both such widths are entirely unencumbered to a height of ten (10') feet. All driveway access points shall utilize a flared, radius curb return in order to facilitate ingress and egress to and from public streets unless otherwise determined by the Public Works Director.
   (2)   Circulation.
   (i)    No parking spaces shall be located so that a vehicle will maneuver within ten (10') feet of a vehicular entrance to the property.
   (ii)    A turnaround area shall be provided of at least twenty-five (25') feet for ninety (90°) degree parking, eighteen (18') feet for sixty (60°) degree parking, fourteen (14') feet for forty-five (45°) degree parking, and twelve (12') feet for thirty (30°) degree or parallel parking (provided there are at least four (4') feet between each two (2) parallel spaces).
   (iii)    Speed bumps or similar devices designed to control vehicular velocities within parking facilities may be required by the Community Development Director. Installation specifications shall be in accordance with standards set forth by the City Traffic Engineer and shall include a means of clearly identifying and demarcating said devices such as painting or striping.
   (d)   Compact parking.
   (1)   All multi-family residential, institutional, commercial and manufacturing-type land uses may utilize parking spaces of reduced size to satisfy the off-street parking requirements not to exceed the percentages listed below, provided it is demonstrated that the utilization of compact stalls or reduced-size stalls will benefit the development site design, by, but not limited to, reduction of unsightly paved areas, increasing landscape areas, reduction of grading and reduction in use of retaining walls, providing site design flexibility for properties with physical constraints, or aiding existing developments which are characterized by a substantiated deficiency in off-street parking or substandard circulation. Utilizations of compact stalls or reduced size stalls is not appropriate solely to achieve land use intensification.
   (i)   Multiple-family residential uses: A maximum of thirty-five (35%) percent of all required guest parking may be compact spaces.
   (ii)   Institutional uses: A maximum of twenty-five (25%) percent of all required parking may be compact spaces.
   (iii)   Commercial, retail, service and general office uses: A maximum of twenty-five (25%) percent of all required parking may be compact spaces.
   (iv)   Industrial uses and large-scale employment centers: A maximum of thirty-five (35%) percent of all required parking may be compact spaces.
   (2)   The above-listed percentages may be increased to a maximum of fifty (50%) percent of all required parking in certain circumstances provided a special use permit is obtained in a manner as set forth in Article 28 of this chapter.
   (3)   Size.
   (i)   Compact parking spaces for multi-family residential uses, institutional uses, industrial uses and large-scale employment centers shall be at least eight (8') feet by sixteen (16') feet for ninety (90°) degree stalls, sixteen (16') feet by fourteen feet eleven inches (14'11") for thirty (30°) degree stalls, eleven feet four inches (11'4") by seventeen (17') feet for forty-five (45°) degree stalls, nine feet three inches (9'3") by seventeen feet ten inches (17'10") for sixty (60°) degree stalls, and twenty (20') feet by eight (8') feet for one hundred eighty (180°) degree stalls.
   (ii)   Compact parking spaces for commercial, retail, service and office uses shall be at least nine (9') feet by sixteen (16') feet for ninety (90°) degree stalls, eighteen (18') feet by fourteen feet eleven inches (14'11") for thirty (30°) degree stalls, twelve feet eight inches (12'8") by seventeen (17') feet for forty-five (45°) degree stalls, ten feet four inches (10'4") by seventeen feet ten inches (17'10") for sixty (60°) degree stalls, and twenty-four (24') feet by nine (9') feet for one hundred eighty (180°) degree stalls.
   (iii) All compact parking stalls shall be double-striped with four (4") inch wide stripes, sixteen (16") inches on center.
   (4)   General requirements.
   (i)   Maneuvering and required back-up space. The required maneuvering and back-up space for compact spaces shall be as mandated in subsection (c)(2)(ii). There shall be no reduction of driveway or aisle widths for compact stalls.
   (ii)   Location. Compact spaces shall be dispersed evenly throughout the parking lot. For developments characterized by distinct, segmented parking areas the maximum permitted percentage of compact stalls shall apply to each area or segment of the parking lot. Compact spaces shall be located in areas characterized by a “through” method of circulation and shall avoid locations adjacent to retaining walls or other formidable barriers which prevent adequate vehicle overhang. Compact stalls within commercial, retail, service and office uses shall be located adjacent to paved or landscaped areas in order to accommodate vehicle overhang. The location of all compact stalls shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director.
   (iii)    Marking. All compact car spaces shall be clearly designated with pavement and/or wheelstop/curb signs to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director.
   (iv)   Landscaping. New developments electing to incorporate compact stalls into an overall site design (i.e., developments which have not inaugurated an approved use in accordance with Section 9-4.2811(c) of this Code) shall be required to exceed minimum parking lot landscaping area requirements by an additional area not less than twenty-five (25) square feet for each compact car space.
   (v)   Restriping existing parking facilities. Existing multi-family residential, commercial, manufacturing and institutional parking facilities may be restriped to accommodate compact parking stalls after approval of a modification application or a comparable review procedure as determined by the Community Development Director. All proposals shall be subject to the requirements set forth in this article.
   (e)   Landscaping.
   (1)   Ten (10%) percent of open parking and driveway areas shall be landscaped. This shall be in addition to landscape requirements for setback areas, perimeter property line landscaping and landscape planters located adjacent to structures. Such landscape areas shall be evenly distributed through the entire parking area as required by the Community Development Director. The ten (10%) percent parking requirement shall be calculated based on the total amount of parking and driveway areas on the approved plan(s), except parking spaces provided for display purposes or for enclosed vehicles storage areas. The Community Development Director or the Planning Commission may allow any landscaped area which would be within an open service or work area and not viewable from any perimeter street to be relocated to a more functional location within the other parking areas on the property provided such relocation does not decrease the total required percentage of required interior landscaping of the parking area.
   (2)   A ten (10') foot wide landscape strip, with planting maintained at either a height of three (3’) feet or a height otherwise approved by the Community Development Director or designee, shall be provided along the property lines adjacent to any public or private street or alley (except within the approved exit and entrance ways) whenever the parking or circulation abuts such streets or alleys except:
   (i)   In the C-2 Zone, in which a twenty (20') foot wide landscape strip shall be provided along the front property line, with a ten (10') foot wide landscape strip in all other locations as required by this subsection; and
   (ii)   In the C2/AM Zone, in which a fourteen (14') foot wide landscape strip shall be provided along the front property line, with a four (4') foot wide landscape strip in all other locations as required by this sub-section. The regulations of this sub-section for the C2/AM zone shall supersede conflicting conditions of any entitlement granted prior to the effective date of the ordinance adopting this sub-section, where said conditions require a wider landscape strip than provided by this sub-section.
   (3)   A four (4') foot wide landscape strip, with planting maintained at either a height of three (3') feet or a height acceptable to the Community Development Director, shall be provided along the interior property lines or along interior project boundaries for projects occupying a portion of a larger parcel of property (except within the approved exit and entrance ways) when adjacent to parking facilities and paved areas.
   (4)   Any of the following driveways or open parking areas shall be separated by a planting strip four (4') feet wide:
   (i)   Where there are two (2) or more driveways or two (2) or more buildings or parcels, each of which has one (1) or more parking lots;
   (ii)   Where there are two (2) or more parking lots for vehicles adjacent to one another which do not use a common driveway;
   (iii)   Where a parking lot for vehicles abuts a driveway which does not provide access to that parking lot; and
   (iv)   All landscaped areas shall be enclosed within a brick or masonry planter box or concrete curb not less than six (6") inches high and shall be provided with a permanent sprinkler system. When landscaping is to be placed adjacent to a public street, curbing shall be required unless otherwise waived by the Community Development Director.
   (5)   Landscape trees shall be selected and planted in such a manner as to minimize root damage to parking lot hardscape.
   (6)   All landscaping in or adjacent to any parking lot area shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the applicable approved project conditions and landscape plans, the City's adopted landscape design, planting and maintenance standards, and Chapter 27 of Title 5 of this Code.
   (f)   Maintenance. While encouraging upgrades of parking lots through a maintenance program, public safety and security shall be taken into consideration in upgrading the facilities, regarding lighting, traffic circulation, and landscaping.
   (1)   The following improvements to parking lots shall be considered “minor” repair and maintenance and shall not require any type of permit application to the Community Development Department:
   (i)   Repair of defects in the surface of the parking areas, including holes and cracks;
   (ii)   Restriping of a parking area with identical delineation of parking spaces;
   (iii)   Repair or replacement in the same location of damaged planters and curbs;
   (iv)   Slurry coating and restriping the parking stall lines in same configuration. The property owner shall file a letter with the Community Development certifying that the existing parking area and/or proposed slurry coating and restriping meet or will meet applicable disabled accessibility and drainage requirements;
   (v)   Parking area overlay and restriping the parking stall lines in same configuration, which does not include the required disabled parking spaces and disabled paths of travel. The property owner shall file a letter with the Community Development Department certifying that the existing parking area and/or proposed parking area overlay and restriping meet or will meet applicable disabled accessibility and drainage requirements;
   (vi)   Sprinkler/line repair, or refurbishment of landscaped areas with similar plant species;
   (vii)   Necessary trimming and required maintenance of established landscaping; and
   (viii)   Replacement or repair of lighting fixtures.
   (2)   The following improvements to parking lots shall be considered "major" repair and maintenance:
   (i)   Restriping of parking areas in which the number of parking spaces or their configuration is changed;
   (ii)   Altering the number, shape, or size of parking area planters;
   (iii)   Overlaying and restriping any part of the parking area which includes any required disabled parking spaces or disabled path of travel.
   If the site area affected by the work is 2.0 acres or less, then a Design Review application is required in accordance with Section 9-4.1804(f) of this chapter; otherwise, a Minor Modification application to the project's underlying entitlement (e.g., development permit, special use permit) in accordance with Section 9-4.2804 is required.
   Such major repair and maintenance improvements shall require concurrent compliance with the disabled access and parking requirements set forth in Section 9-4.2404(g) of this chapter, subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department through the applicable process set forth above.
   (g)   Disabled parking. The City shall impose all applicable requirements of the California Uniform Building Code, Title 24 of the California Code Regulation, and any applicable federal law or regulations related to parking and exterior accessibility for the disabled, for all tenant improvements and new construction within the City.
(§ 8164.4, T.O.O.C., as amended by §§ 1, 2, and 3, Ord. 90, § 1, Ord. 143, §§ II and III, Ord. 208, § I, Ord. 149-NS, eff. May 7, 1970, § XIV, Ord. 162-NS, eff. August 27, 1970, as renumbered by § XIV, Ord. 173-NS, eff. November 5, 1970, as amended by §§ II and III, Ord. 236-NS, eff. November 4, 1971, § I, Ord. 295-NS, eff. August 10, 1972, §§ I and II, Ord. 524-NS, eff. May 1, 1975, § XIII, Ord. 581-NS, eff. August 12, 1976, § IV, Ord. 636-NS, eff. July 14, 1977, § VIII, Ord. 776-NS, eff. April 16, 1981, § V, Ord. 778-NS, eff. June 11, 1981, § 2, Ord. 857-NS, eff. April 25, 1984, §§ 1 and 2, Ord. 900-NS, eff. December 3, 1985, §§ 1, 2, Ord. 988-NS, eff. February 16, 1988, § 4, Ord. 1156-NS, eff. July 7, 1992, § 19, Ord. 1217-NS, eff. September 27, 1994, §§ 3 and 4, Ord. 1220-NS, eff. October 11, 1994, § 3, Ord. 1230-NS, eff. April 18, 1995, § 1, Ord. 1402-NS, eff. February 6, 2003, § 2, 1529-NS, eff. December 17, 2009, § 6, Ord. 1551-NS, eff. February 10, 2011, and § 39, Ord. 1620-NS, eff. August 12, 2016)