Sec. 9-4.703. Animals and fowl (R-1).
   The Community Development Director may authorize animals and fowl, subject to the limitations of this article, for a period of not more than one year at a time without holding a public hearing provided the applicant submits:
   (a)   An application is provided by the Community Development Director;
   (b)   A plot in duplicate and drawn to scale showing the applicant’s property and each adjacent property, the residences on each, and the area and structures to be devoted to animal or fowl uses. Such plot plan shall show compliance with the requirement that no animal or fowl, except dogs and cats kept as domestic pets, shall be housed, stabled, lodged, maintained, or confined within forty (40’) feet of any school, religious facility, hospital, public place, business, residence, dwelling house, or other building used for human habitation, other than the personal dwelling or residence of the owner or keeper;
   (c)   A list of all the property owners or residents adjacent to the subject property with an affirmative showing of evidence of notice to the adjacent property owners, such as the showing of a sample copy of a letter sent to all adjacent property owners, with a post office certification or registration to show that the letter was actually received, together with a statement that each owner or resident has been notified as to the types and numbers of animals requested. Such list shall also contain the address, telephone number, and a statement as to whether the resident is the legal owner of the property. The Community Development Director shall issue the requested permit within thirty (30) days if no complaint is received; and
   (d)   A filing fee in an amount prescribed by Council resolution.
(§ II, Ord. 157-NS, eff. July 16, 1970, as amended by § XI, Ord. 581-NS, eff. August 12, 1976, § VI, Ord. 776-NS, eff. April 16, 1981, § 2, Ord. 1387-NS, eff. November 2, 2001, and § 16, Ord. 1392-NS, eff. June 7, 2002)