A petition requesting the initiation of an amendment to the General Plan shall contain at least the following information:
(a) The name and address of the petitioner;
(b) The general location and description of the area proposed for review, including a statement of the total area involved, or, where applicable, a statement of the specific goal(s), policy(ies), or objective(s) of the General Plan proposed for review;
(c) The proposed amendment suggested, including the circumstances, conditions, and other justifications which would warrant such action; and
(d) A statement of the environmental, social, physical, economic, and other factors affecting the area or policy suggested for review which support and/or justify the consideration of the proposed amendment.
The Community Development Director may require the filing of additional information, dependent upon the nature and complexity of the General Plan element and the proposed amendment.
(§ 1, Ord. 436-NS, eff. April 25, 1974)