Sec. 9-4.2306. Residential zones: New subdivisions.
   In the case of new subdivisions, the following signs may also be permitted; provided, however, only subdivision directional signs may be permitted in locations other than within the subdivision site boundaries:
   (a)   The Community Development Director may issue subdivision sign permits for two (2) advertising signs and one subdivision directional sign after the payment of a fee prescribed by Council resolution to the Community Development Department. The Community Development Director may also authorize up to two (2) additional signs after a final subdivision map has been recorded. Such signs shall be subject to all the following provisions:
   (1)   The signs may be single-faced or double-faced, and advertising signs shall not exceed eighteen (18’) feet in height, and subdivision directional signs shall not exceed twelve (12’) feet in height.
   (2)   Neither the horizontal nor the vertical dimension of an advertising sign face shall exceed fifteen (15'’) feet, and the total area shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet.
   (3)   Neither the horizontal nor the vertical dimension of a subdivision directional sign face shall exceed ten (10') feet, and the total area shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet.
   (4)   No riders or illumination shall be permitted. There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards, or appurtenances added to the sign as originally approved.
   (5)   Any such sign approved for a particular subdivision within the City shall not be changed to
advertise another subdivision without the prior approval of the Community Development Director.
   (6)   Such signs may be established along, but not within, the right-of-way of any highway, street, or thoroughfare; provided, however, such signs may not be erected along established and existing freeways which have been designated as freeway routes by the Division of Highways of the State.
   (7)   Such signs shall be at least one thousand (1,000) linear feet apart on the same side of a public road or street and the same distance apart at an intersection of such streets following the right-of-way line.
   (8)   Such signs shall be erected on a vacant unimproved parcel of record unless such parcel exceeds five (5) acres in size and is situated one hundred (100') feet from a structure on such parcel and set back a minimum of twenty (20') feet from a structure on adjacent parcels.
   (9)   Unless a time extension is granted by the Community Development Director, such signs may be maintained for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date upon which the final subdivision map was recorded or a preliminary subdivision public report was issued, or until all of the lots in the subdivision have been initially sold, whichever occurs first.
   (10)   Prior to erecting any sign approved by the Community Development Director, a cash deposit or certificate of deposit in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) Dollars shall be filed with, and accepted by, the Community Development Director for each sign, and the applicant shall file a written statement from the property owner authorizing either the applicant or the City to go onto the property at any time to remove the sign. In the event of failure to perform or comply with any term or provision pertaining to such sign, the Community Development Director may declare the deposit forfeited. Upon the expiration of the sign approval and removal of the sign, the deposit may be refunded by the Community Development Director upon an application made thereto. The Two Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) Dollar deposit may be allowed to include more than one subdivision sign provided the estimated removal cost of all such signs is less than the deposit amount and the signs are erected by the same company and advertise the same subdivision.
   (11)    Political sign copy shall be permitted on existing advertising and/or directional signs of subdivisions subject to the time limits set forth in subsection (d) of Section 9-4.2304 of this article.
   (b)   One feature sign and one model home sign identifying each particular model, not exceeding two (2') feet by three (3') feet in size, shall be permitted. Model home complex flags may be displayed and shall be limited to one flag per model. Such flags shall not exceed fifteen (15') feet in height and a flag area of four (4) square feet. Such flags shall be replaced at least once every eight (8) weeks from and after the commencement of their use. Prior to erecting any flag approved by the Community Development Director, a cash deposit or certificate of deposit in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) Dollars shall be filed with, and accepted by, the Community Development Director for all flags to guarantee the replacement of the flags within a minimum time span of eight (8) weeks. Upon the removal of the flags and proof of compliance with all the provisions of this section, the deposit shall be refunded by the Community Development Director upon an application made thereto.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by § IV, Ord. 359-NS, eff. April 12, 1973, § 1, Ord. 462-NS, eff. June 13, 1974, § XII, Ord. 581-NS, eff. August 12, 1976, and § VII, Ord. 776-NS, eff. April 16, 1981)