(a) The following signs shall be permitted in the Rural-Agricultural (R-A), Rural-Exclusive (R-E), Single-Family Estate (R-0), Single-Family Residential (R-1), and Two-Family Residential (R-2) Zones:
(1) One unlighted sign, not more than six (6) square feet in area, with copy pertaining only to the sale or lease of the property or premises upon which it is displayed shall be permitted; provided, however, such sign shall not be located closer than five (5’) feet to any property line abutting a public road, street, or highway and shall not exceed six (6’) feet in height. In addition, for parcels of land five (5) acres or more, such sign may be increased to twenty-four (24) square feet in area provided the height shall not exceed eight (8’) feet and no dimension of the panel face shall exceed six (6’) feet. Such signs shall be removed within three (3) days following the completion of the sale.
(2) The Community Development Director may authorize a low-profile monument identification sign showing the name of a community provided the overall size of the sign, including all riders, is not larger than fifty (50) square feet, with no dimension exceeding ten (10’) feet. The number of such signs shall be limited to not more than two (2) for any particular community.
(3) Temporary political signs shall be permitted and shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and six (6’) feet in visible height. No more than one such sign per candidate or position on a ballot issue shall be displayed on any one side of a parcel of record which has frontage on a public street, but in no case shall any sign for any candidate or any position on a ballot issue, on different street frontages, be closer than one hundred (100’) feet, measured in a straight line between such signs. Such signs shall not be placed in the public right-of-way or upon public property.
(b) The following signs shall be permitted in the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) and Residential Planned Development (R-P-D) Zones:
(1) All signs permitted as set forth in subsection (a) of this section and Section 9-4.2306 of this article shall be permitted.
(2) The Community Development Director may authorize one unlighted or softly backlighted low-profile monument sign, not to exceed a height of five (5’) feet or an area of twenty-four (24) square feet, or an attached building sign not to exceed ore square foot per dwelling unit and in no case exceeding a total of fifty (50) square feet.
(3) After the issuance of a development permit, the Community Development Director may permit one single-faced unlighted sign on a parcel of record to identify the project, contractor, and/or leasing agent. Such sign shall not total more than twenty-four (24) square feet in area. No portion of any sign allowed by the provisions of this section shall have a height of more than ten (10’) feet or have a dimension of the panel face that exceeds eight (8’) feet. Such signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(4) Temporary political signs shall be permitted and shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and six (6’) feet in visible height, and no more than one such sign per candidate or issue shall be displayed per parcel of record. Such signs shall not be in the public right-of-way.
(5) One unlighted sign, not more than six (6) square feet in area, with copy pertaining only to the sale or lease of the property or premises upon which it is displayed shall be permitted; provided, however, such sign shall not be located closer than five (5’) feet to any property line abutting a public road, street, or highway and shall not exceed six (6’) feet in height. In addition, for parcels of land five (5) acres or more, such sign may be increased to twenty-four (24) square feet in area provided the height shall not exceed eight (8') feet and no dimension of the panel face shall exceed six (6’) feet. Such signs shall be removed within three (3) days following the completion of the sale.
(6) Religious facility directional signs may be located on private property within a one-mile radius of the religious facility location provided written consent from the property owner is submitted to the Community Development Department and subject to a review by the Community Development Director to determine if the location is appropriate. Such a determination shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the sign visibility and proximity to surrounding residences. The size of the sign panel shall be limited to four (4) square feet, but no dimension shall exceed two (2') feet, and the sign shall not exceed a height of eight (8') feet as measured from the elevation of the adjacent public street centerline. The number of such signs shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) per religious facility, unless there is sufficient justification to consider the installation of one additional sign, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. To obtain a uniform design, the sign shall be constructed of a dark stained wood material including a wood panel. The sign copy shall contain the following information: directions, distance or address, name, denomination, and logo, if the religious facility desires.
(§ I, Ord. 248-NS, eff. January 6, 1972, as amended by §§ II and III, Ord. 359-NS, eff. April 12, 1973, §§ III and IV, Ord. 423-NS, eff. February 14, 1974, § I, Ord. 585-NS, eff. August 26, 1976, § 2, Ord. 741-NS, eff. April 3, 1980, § 28, Ord. 1392-NS, eff. June 7, 2002, and § 6, Ord. 1621-NS, eff. September 30, 2016)