Population density, for the purposes of this article, shall be determined in accordance with the following standards, to wit:
(a) Single-family detached dwellings = 3.8 persons per dwelling unit;
(b) Single-family attached dwellings less than, or equal to, seven (7) units per net acre density = 2.8 persons per dwelling unit;
(c) Condominiums and other attached dwellings, other than apartments, over seven (7) units per net acre = 2.4 persons per dwelling unit;
(d) Apartments = 2.0 persons per dwelling unit; and
(e) Mobile homes = 1.75 persons per dwelling unit.
The basis for determining the total number of dwelling units shall be the number of such units permitted by the City on the property included in the subdivision at the time the tentative subdivision tract map or parcel map is approved by the City.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980)