Sec. 9-4.2505. Side yards.
   (a)   Residential zones.
   (1)   Except as otherwise provided in Section 9-4.2510 of this article, in the R-A, R-E, R-0, R-1, and R-2 Zones each lot shall have the following side yards:
   (i)   Interior lots shall have a side yard on each side of any building thereon.
   (aa)    One-story dwellings shall have side yards of five (5') feet or more, and the sum of the side yards to the nearest foot shall equal or exceed fifteen (15%) percent of the width of the lot, if the lot is wider than seventy (70') feet, or ten (10') feet or more where the width of the lot is seventy (70') feet or less.
   (ab)    Two (2) story dwellings shall have a side yard of five (5') feet or more, except that any side yard adjacent to a two (2) story dwelling wall shall be ten (10%) percent of the width of the lot or more, measured to the nearest foot, and two (2) story walls with windows shall have a minimum side yard of ten (10') feet.
   (ac)    In cases where the side yard requirements exceed five (5') feet on one side and ten (10') feet on the other side, the provisions of subsections (aa) and (ab) of this subsection shall not apply to those tracts for which a tentative map has been approved subsequent to December 7, 1961, and prior to January 2, 1964, and for which a final map is recorded prior to January 2, 1965.
   (ii)   Corner lots shall have the side yards prescribed for interior lots except in the case of reverse-corner lots. Each reverse-corner lot shall have a side yard on the street side of such lot of not less than ten (10') feet.
   (2)   In the R-3 Zone interior lots shall have a side yard on each side of any building thereon. Multiple dwellings shall have side yards of eight (8') feet or more, and the sum of the side yards to the nearest foot shall equal or exceed sixteen (16') feet. Two (2) story walls with windows shall have a minimum side yard of ten (10') feet to a line midway between such walls. For accessory buildings each side yard shall be increased by at least one-half (1/2') foot for each two (2') feet, or fraction thereof, in height that any accessory building extends above fifteen (15') feet.
   (b)   Commercial zones.
   (1)   In the C-2 Zone each lot shall have the following side yards:
   (i)   Where the side of such lot abuts a lot in a residential zone, there shall be a side yard not less than five (5') feet on the side adjacent to the residential zone.
   (ii)   Where the rear of a reverse-corner lot abuts a lot in a residential zone, there shall be a side yard not less than ten (10') feet in the street side.
   (iii) Where the rear of a corner lot abuts the rear of a lot in a residential zone, there shall be a side yard not less than five (5') feet on the street side.
   (2)   In the C-1 and C-3 Zones all buildings or structures shall be located in accordance with the provisions of Section 9-4.1504 of Article 15 of this chapter.
   (c)   Manufacturing zones.
   (1)   In the M-2 Zone wherever the side of the property abuts a residential or commercial zone, the standard setback shall be ten (10') feet.
   (2)   In the M-1 Zone all buildings or structures shall be located in accordance with the provisions of Section 9-4.1605 of Article 16 of this chapter.
(§ 8160.5, T.O.O.C., as amended by §§ 8 and 9, Ord. 89, § 7, Ord. 126, renumbered by § XIV, Ord. 173-NS, eff. November 5, 1970, amended by § IV, Ord. 495-NS, eff. October 10, 1974, § 5, Ord. 1569-NS, eff. March 9, 2012, and § 4, Ord. 1698-NS, eff. April 29, 2022)