The design of a proposed subdivision shall be such as to provide for the proper drainage of the proposed subdivision and all lots and improvements therein, based on the runoff which can be anticipated from the ultimate development of the watershed area in which the subdivision is located. The design shall be such that there are no undrained depressions. Easements shall be provided within the proposed subdivision as may be necessary to provide for the proper drainage of the proposed subdivision and which are included in the Master Drainage Plan for the Conejo Valley approved by the City or the Comprehensive Plan of Flood Control Channels approved by the Board of Supervisors of the Ventura County Flood Control District. Access to open channels included in the Master Drainage or Comprehensive Plan shall be provided along the entire length of the channel. Access to underground drainage conduits shall be provided by an easement not less than ten (10’) feet in width directly above the entire length of the conduit, which shall not permit any structures, including masonry walls to be installed or maintained. The design of the proposed subdivision shall be such as to protect the subdivision and the lots and improvements therein from off-tract drainage or flood damages. The design shall also ensure that all public facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems, are located, elevated, and constructed so as to minimize or eliminate flood damage. Further, the design shall provide that any concentrations or increases or surface water resulting from the development of the proposed subdivision are conveyed by means of adequate facilities to suitable natural watercourse or drainage facility in the area. Off-tract easements as may be necessary for such facilities shall be provided by the subdivider. All easements required to be provided pursuant to this section shall be offered for dedication at the time the final map or parcel map is filed for approval.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980)