Sec. 9-4.2524. Residential Sports Facilities.
   (a)   Intent and purpose. The intent and purpose of this section is to define what type of sports facilities installed in conjunction with single family residences are permitted within the City of Thousand Oaks and what design guidelines and limitations are imposed for such facilities. Section 9-4.202 of the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code provides a definition for such facilities.
   (b)   Permitted: Conditions and limitations. Residential Sports Facilities may be installed as an accessory use in single-family residential zones if a Precise Plan of Design application has been approved as provided by Article 18 of this chapter, subject to the following installation standards:
   (1)   Lighting. The use of lighting must be integrally designed as part of the built environment and should reflect a balance of the lighting needs for the sports facility and surrounding nighttime characteristics of the community. Lighting should be designed to minimize glare and light spillover and maximize energy conservation. Full cut-off fixtures, reduced mounting heights, and the use of shielding should be utilized to effectively control glare and light trespass. Photometric plans are required with all applications requesting exterior sports facility lighting.
      (i)   Installation. Maximum height of any light standard shall be fourteen (14'0") feet. Low pressure sodium and mercury vapor lamps are prohibited.
   (2)   Enclosed fencing. No fence or other enclosure of the residential sports facility shall be higher than twelve (12'0") feet as measured from the higher adjacent finished grade. Enclosures shall be constructed of dark plastic-coated wire. Residential sports facilities may require screening as determined through the Precise Plan of Design process. Batting cages may have a maximum height of fourteen (14'0") feet.
   (3)   Colors and materials. Earthtone hues are encouraged. The final approval of specific colors and materials will be subject to the Precise Plan of Design (PPD) approval.
   (4)   Setbacks. Each facility shall maintain a minimum setback prescribed for the zone and type of lot specified for accessory buildings.
   (5)   Residential sports facilities shall not be used for commercial purposes.
(§5, Ord. 1486-NS, eff. October 11, 2007)