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   The handling and use of organic peroxides shall be in accordance with the following:
   1.   Organic peroxides in mixing areas shall be limited to the quantity needed for one eight-hour shift.
   2.   Dispensing or weighing of organic peroxides shall not take place in the storage area.
   3.   A section of the manufacturing area near the point of use shall be set aside for dispensing and weighing of peroxides. This section shall be clean and procedures shall be established to eliminate contamination with promoters or chemicals of any type.
   4.   Where Class 1, 2, or 3 peroxides are handled, there shall be provided electrical wiring and equipment in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (Electrical Code).
   5.   All tanks, metal containers, and pipelines shall be grounded or bonded in an approved manner to prevent the accumulation of static electricity.
   6.   All supplies of organic peroxides shall be returned to proper storage locations at the end of each workday.