Existing fire alarm manual fire alarm boxes, Fire Department communication jacks, and signaling systems shall be maintained in place and active. The foregoing items shall be clearly marked with signs containing lettering which is a minimum of 3" high x 1/2" wide on a contrasting background. If the foregoing items are covered by plastic, each device shall be surrounded by a square of red duct-type tape. In addition, a cutting device, also surrounded by a square of red duct-type tape, shall be kept immediately adjacent to the device.
In the event that a containment area impedes the normal operation of any existing elevator smoke detector, an additional temporary elevator recall smoke detector shall be installed in the containment area under permit from the Department of Building and Safety. Any such detector must be tested by the Fire Department before any abatement work begins in that area.
If it is not practical to install a phone in the clean room, a telephone on the same floor or level is acceptable, provided that there are no doors between the telephone and the clean room that have any type of locking mechanism on them or impede access to the phone in any manner. This phone shall not be more than 100 lineal feet along the path of travel from the clean room.
In lieu of a telephone in the clean room, radio communications may be provided with personnel who have immediate access to a telephone. Radios shall be located as described in Section 57.324.11.1, above. A complete set of charged spare radio batteries shall be provided.