Upon application, Fee Exempt Permits shall be issued without the payment of the fees prescribed by Section 11.08 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
Any religious, charitable, educational, or other nonprofit benevolent institution operating or conducting a carnival or similar activity when the net proceeds of the carnival or similar activity are to be used exclusively for religious, charitable, benevolent, educational, or civic purposes, and the institution has applied for and obtained a tax exempt registration certificate pursuant to the provisions of Section 21.75 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
Before accepting an application for any permit required by this chapter, the Fire Department shall collect the required fees established by the most current cost recovery schedule published as provided by Section 57.106.8. and applicable thereto. Upon payment of said fees the Fire Department shall cause them to be deposited with the City Treasurer.
Fees established by the procedure set forth in Section 57.106.8 shall apply to permits for the following:
1. Atmospheric tank or low-pressure tank:
(a) Shop built tank.
(b) Field erected tank not more than 3,000 barrels.
(c) Field erected tank, more than 3,000 barrels.
No fee shall be charged for the issuance of a permit for the installation, closure, addition to or alteration of an atmospheric underground tank or tank system.
2. Pressure Vessel:
(a) Shop built vessel.
(b) Field erected vessel.
3. Special Vessel:
(a) Shop built vessel.
(b) Field erected vessel.
4. Spray Booth or Spray Tunnel.
5. Dip Tank:
(a) Not more than 500-gallon capacity.
(b) More than 500-gallon capacity.
6. Flow Coat Machine.
7. Drying Oven.
8. Industrial Oven or Furnace not otherwise specified.
9. Industrial Proceeding Equipment not otherwise specified.
10. Fumigation Chamber.
11. Automatic Fire Extinguishing System other than automatic sprinkler system.
12. Compressed or Liquefied – Gas Manifold.
13. Install, alter or relocate Fire Hydrants on private property:
(a) For the first hydrant.
(b) For each additional hydrant.
14. Central Station Signaling System.
15. Dust Collecting System.
16. Dry Cleaning Equipment not otherwise specified.
17. Drill oil well or redrill oil well.
18. Asbestos Abatement.
19. Gas Detection System.
When the length of time spent in plan checking with regard to a particular permit is such that the charge for hours spent, as computed in accordance with the cost recovery schedule established under Section, exceeds the schedule fee for issuing a permit for that category of activity, the charge as computed pursuant to Section shall be paid to the Fire Department before any permit is issued.
Every application for a permit required by Section adding to or altering any item set forth in Section shall be accompanied by a fee established by the procedure set forth in Section
Every application for a permit required by Sections, through shall be accompanied by a fee or fees established by the procedure set forth in Section for any of the following:
1. Conducting any fireworks display:
(a) Ground displays only; fee per day or portion thereof.
(b) Aerial burst with mortars not over 6 inches in diameter; fee per day or portion thereof.
(c) Aerial burst with mortars over 6 inches in diameter; fee per day or portion thereof.
2. Conducting any blasting operation; fee per four-hour period or portion thereof.
3. Conducting any exhibit, show, circus, or carnival; fee per day or portion thereof.
4. Using any tent or membrane structure as a place of assemblage:
(a) 400 to 3,500 square feet.
(b) 3,500 to 25,000 square feet.
(c) Over 25,000 square feet.
5. Drilling not more than six temporary geological exploratory core holes located within the perimeter of a circle having a radius of 1,000 yards or less:
(a) Not over 1,500 feet in depth nor over 5 inches in diameter; fee for each permit plus fee for each four-hour period or fraction thereof;
Such permit to be in effect for the duration of drilling operations and until core holes are abandoned in a manner approved by the Chief.
(b) Over 1,500 feet in depth or greater than 5 inches in diameter; fee for each 30 days of drilling operations, which shall include time for abandoning core hole in a manner approved by the Chief.
6. Landing any aircraft, including helicopters, any place other than an approved airport or heliport.
7. Transferring flammable gas, liquefied flammable gas, flammable liquids or combustible liquids in a manner not otherwise regulated by this article.
8. Abandoning any oil well.
9. Abandoning any underground tank:
(a) For the first tank.
(b) For each additional tank.
10. Burning any hazardous refuse in an open outdoor fire.
11. Temporarily storing explosives in a manner not otherwise specifically revealed by this article.
12. Operating or maintaining a live theatrical production, other than a live production in a theater with a seating capacity of 99 persons or less.
13. Installation of or modification to a plant extraction system.
14. Installation of stationary storage battery systems regulated by Section 57.608.
15. Installing and/or modifying emergency responder radio coverage systems.
16. Installing and/or modifying gates and barricades across fire apparatus access roads.
17. The temporary use of a building or premise as a place of assemblage where there is not an existing Operational Permit under Section