Special needs requirements shall be incorporated in the Emergency Plan and shall include the current list of the names and usual floor locations of each occupant who has voluntarily, in writing, self-identified their need for assistance and the type of aid required to exit the building during an emergency. One or more places of refuge or rescue shall be designated in the Emergency Plan including a method to safely remove these occupants from the building. The Emergency Plan shall include the appropriate number of personnel designated to assist each of these occupants during an emergency evacuation or fire drill.
All high-rise building occupants shall be instructed annually on the procedures to be followed in the event of fire, earthquake, or other emergency and participate in the mandatory fire drill. Documentation of the occupant instructions shall be maintained by the Fire Safety Director and be made available for inspection by Fire Department personnel. These instructions shall also be made available to all new occupants within 14 days of their assuming occupancy in the building.
The proposed emergency exit plans, procedures, and evacuation signs shall be posted after approval by the Fire Department. Evacuation signs shall be located in every elevator lobby above and below the ground floor, adjacent to the doorway leading to the exit stairs, and in other conspicuous floor locations as required by the Department. Each dwelling unit, guest room, and office area shall be provided with the fire safety and evacuation information, as required in Section 57.4704.4. All plans, procedures, and signs shall be properly maintained.
Each Emergency Plan, after approval by the Fire Department, shall be filed:
1. In the office of the high-rise building;
2. At the security desk; and
3. In the vicinity of the Fire Department annunciator/control panel or, as to residential buildings, in an identifiable location approved by the Fire Code Official. The Emergency Plan shall be made readily available to the building staff and to the designated personnel required by Section 57.408.5 at all times.