An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of operating an airport fueling system. An airport fueling system is an arrangement of aviation fuel storage tanks, pumps, piping, and associated equipment, or aircraft fuel servicing vehicles, installed at an airport and designed to service aircraft at fixed positions.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of operating a private airport. A private airport is an area of land or structural surface that is used, or intended for use, for the landing and taking off of aircraft with an overall length greater than 39 feet and an overall exterior fuselage width greater than 6.6 feet, and any appurtenant areas that are used or intended for use for airport buildings and other airport facilities.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of operating a place of public assemblage. A place of public assemblage is any building or premises having assemblage capacity greater than 49 persons designed for entertainment, instruction, worship, meetings, display, or consumption of food or drinks. It includes the showing of motion pictures when an admission is charged, the premise is open to the public and has a capacity of ten or more persons.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a bulk distributing station. A bulk distributing station is any distributing station where flammable or combustible liquids with a loading rack are received by tank vessel, pipeline, tank car, or tank vehicle, and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of distributing such liquids by tank vessel, pipeline, tank car, tank vehicle, or container.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of operating a central station signaling system, supervising station. A central station signaling system, supervising station is a system consisting of electrically operated circuits and equipment, which transmits alarms from buildings and structures equipped with a fire protection system to a central station which is controlled and operated by a Fire Department-approved person or firm whose business is the furnishing and maintaining of such a system and where qualified personnel are in attendance at all times to notify the Fire Department of any alarm received.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a community care facility serving more than six persons. A community care facility is any facility, place, or building that is maintained and operated to provide non- medical day treatment, adult day care, including, but not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons, and includes the following (greater than six persons; 18 years old and over):
Adult Day Program
Therapeutic Day Services Facility
Social Rehabilitation Facility
Community Treatment Facility
Transitional Shelter Care Facility
Transitional Housing Placement Facility