1 Authority and Procedure
2 Streets and Sidewalks
2.1 Rail Transit Construction Impact Area Traffic Management
3 Public Parks, Playgrounds, Beaches and Other Property
4 Sewers, Water Courses and Drains
4.1 Sewer Service Charge
4.2 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge
4.3 Wastewater Franchise Fee
4.4 Stormwater and Urban Runoff Pollution Control
4.5 Sewer Repair Financial Assistance Program
5 Maintenance and Repair of Hazardous Private Streets
6 Garbage, Refuse Collection
6.1 Solid Waste Collection, Transfer, Recycling, Recovery of Waste Resources and Disposal Fee
7 Outdoor Advertising Structures, Accessory Signs, Post Signs and Advertising Statuary
8 Benches Along Public Ways
9 Marina Del Rey Entrance Channel
61.00 Chapter Definitions.
61.02 Abatement of Erosion or Flood Hazard.
61.03 Surcharge for Equipment and Training.
61.04 Surcharge for Development of Automated Systems for the Department of City Planning.
61.05 Prisoner Employment on Public Works.
61.06 Compliance with Traffic Control Manual.
61.07 Arrest Authority of City Employees.
61.08 Authority to Assign Inspectors for Overtime Work.
61.10 Engineering Process Fees.
61.11 Expedited Permit Surcharge.
61.12 Survey Monument Inspection Fee.
61.13 Improvement Bond Processing Fee.
61.14 Special Engineering Fee.
61.15 Actual Cost Special Engineering Services.
61.16 Summary of Fees for the Bureau of Engineering.
61.17 Surcharge for Development Services Centers.