Seventh Edition
Ordinance No. 77,000
Effective November 12, 1936
Current through legislation effective December 31, 2024
Compiled, Edited and Published Under the Direction of
Hydee Feldstein Soto, City Attorney
Published by:
Cincinnati, Ohio
   The First Edition of the Municipal Code of the City of Los Angeles, enacted by adoption of Ordinance No. 77,000, codified the regulatory and penal ordinances of the City and became effective November 12, 1936. The Second Edition amended the Code through September 10, 1945. From 1955 to 1958, a Third Edition was published in loose-leaf form. This format made possible the continual page-for-page revision system that has been retained in subsequent editions. A Fourth Edition was published November 30, 1973. The Fifth Edition initially updated the Code through June 30, 1989. The Sixth Edition updated the Code through September 30, 2002, and represented a thorough modernization of the Code. The modernizations included presenting the code on standard-sized 8 1/2" × 11" paper while retaining the loose-leaf format, dividing the Code into a larger number of volumes, more logically presenting Chapter contents, selectively including subdivision references in page headers, and adding to the headers of alternating pages the page’s Chapter and Article by both name and number. The Sixth Edition has continued to be updated whenever Code provisions were added or revised.
   This newly published Seventh Edition is current upon publication through legislation effective March 1, 2024, and will be maintained up-to-date by the incorporation of subsequently published revision packages. The Seventh Edition removes references to gender, replaces outdated gendered terms, and corrects other identified technical errors such as typographical errors. These revisions aim to remove gendered language while avoiding ambiguity and preserving readability, and are not intended to, and should not be interpreted as, changing the substantive meaning of any Code provision. The Seventh Edition also includes a comprehensive update to the processes and procedures found in the Zoning Code. This Seventh Edition will assist City offices, departments, and other governmental agencies in their functions, and will serve the people as the official source of information regarding the regulations enacted by the City of Los Angeles for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.