The Chief shall determine the maximum occupant load permitted for any assembly occupancy, or any portion of other occupancies used for assembly purposes, based upon the provisions of this chapter. The maximum occupant load shall not exceed the maximum occupant load designated in the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Department of Building and Safety, or in the absence of such certificate, the maximum occupant load approved by the Chief.
To determine occupant load and exit requirements, floor plans shall be submitted to the Chief for the proposed occupancy. Such plans shall be drawn to scale and shall show all seats, tables, furnishings, equipment, and all aisles, cross aisles, and exit doorways in accordance with this chapter. An approved floor plan for the occupancy shall be on the premises and available for inspection by the Chief. The approval date on the floor plan shall coincide with the approval date on the posted occupant load sign.
No manager or person in control thereof shall admit to any assembly occupancy or premises a greater number of persons than that for which the exit facilities are designed or maintained or a greater number than the maximum occupant load stated as a condition of any permit required by Section 57.105.6.
A sign entitled “Occupant Load” shall be provided by the owner, manager, or person in control, or by the Department, subject to approval by the Chief, and shall contain the following information:
In accordance with Sections 57.1004.9 through 57.1004.9.4, of Chapter 5 of Article 7 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. This assembly room or area is approved for the following use(s) and the maximum number of occupants shall not exceed that shown:
Number of Occupants
Address of Occupancy
Assembly Room Designation
Date approved