An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a hospital. This occupancy shall include buildings and structures used for medical, surgical, psychiatric, or custodial care (both intermediate care facilities and skilled nursing facilities) operating on a 24-hour basis for more than six persons who are classified as non-ambulatory or bedridden and detoxification facilities:
Mental Hospitals
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a hotel. A hotel is any residential building designed or used for or containing six or more guest rooms or suites of rooms, but not including any institution in which human beings are housed or detained under legal restraint.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of operating a laboratory. Only one laboratory permit shall be required for all buildings or structures operated by same permittee at the same location. A laboratory is an occupancy devoted to experimental study in science, or to testing, analysis, inspection, research or process control and development. Laboratories may contain one or more separate laboratory work areas that involve the use of hazardous materials.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a marine oil terminal. A marine oil terminal is any plant, station, premises, or equipment used in connection therewith, located on the harbor or ocean front, which is designed and intended to deliver to or receive from oceangoing vessels liquefied or gaseous hazardous materials or flammable or combustible liquids.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a marine service station. A marine service station is any station, plant, premises or equipment used in connection therewith, where flammable or combustible liquids used as motor fuels are dispensed from equipment, on shore, piers or wharves to floating craft for fuel, except bunkering facilities for oceangoing vessels.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the operation of an oil well. An oil well is any well or hole already drilled, being drilled or to be drilled for, prospecting for, or producing petroleum, natural gas, or other hydrocarbon substances; or is used or intended to be used for the subsurface injection of oil field waste, gases, water or liquid substances, including any such existing hole, well or casing which has not been abandoned.
The notices for application and/or cancellation for a permit under this classification are handled by the Fire Inspector in the Harbor Industrial Unit. “Oil well” shall not include a “temporary geological exploratory core hole”.