The Emergency Plan shall be made available upon request to personnel of the Fire Department. Upon any change of ownership or management of a high-rise building, the previous owner shall provide all copies of the Emergency Plan required by this chapter to the new owners within ten days of the change of ownership. The new owner shall, after receiving the Emergency Plan submit any required updates within ten days.
All Emergency Plans, procedures and evacuation signs shall be completed and submitted to the Fire Department for inspection and approval prior to their implementation. All plans, signs, procedures and training programs formulated by, or purchased from, a “High-Rise Life/Safety Service” shall also be submitted for approval. All persons engaging in the business of “High-Rise Life/Safety Service” shall be required to obtain a Certificate of Fitness in accordance with Section 57.117. The Fire Department may deny approval of any “High-Rise Life/Safety Service” which fails to meet minimum standards set by the Fire Code Official.
Each Emergency Plan shall include the personnel as designated in Sections 57.408.5.1 through 57.408.5.4.
The responsibility of the Fire Safety Director shall be established in Sections 57.408.5.1.1 through 57.408.5.1.4.
Editor’s Note: Ord. No. 187,994 included two sections numbered as Sec. 57.408.5.1.