Whenever any person fails to comply with any provision of this chapter pertaining to contractor’s liability insurance or the payment of permit fees, the Office of Finance upon hearing, after giving such person ten days’ notice, in writing, specifying the time and place of hearing and requiring the person to show cause why the permit should not be revoked for such failure, may revoke or suspend any one or more of the permits held by such person. The notice shall be served in the same manner as notices are served under Section 21.16 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any business, operation, or occupation, or use any premises, after the permit issued therefore has been suspended or revoked pursuant to the provisions of this chapter unless the permit has been reinstated or a new permit issued. Any person who engages in any business, operation, or occupation, or uses any premises, after the permit issued therefore has been suspended or revoked pursuant to the provisions of this section, and before such suspended permit has been reinstated or a new permit issued, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
If the Office of Finance finds that any permit fee due or believed to be due under the provisions of this chapter cannot be collected, or that efforts to collect any such amount would be disproportionately costly in relation to the probable outcome of the collecting efforts, the Office of Finance may prepare a report setting forth its findings and the reasons therefor, and submit it to a Board of Review constituted as provided in Section 21.16 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. On unanimous approval of a finding by the Board of Review, the Office of Finance may remove from its active accounts receivable any unpaid fee owing or believed to be owing from one person which amounts to less than $100.00. If the report relates to a claim for the fees owing or believed to be owing from one person which amounts to $100.00 or more, the Board of Review shall make its recommendations upon the finding and, if the Board of Review unanimously approves the finding, submit it to the Council with the finding of the Office of Finance. If the Board of Review does not unanimously approve the finding, the matter shall be returned to the Office of Finance. Upon the approval of the findings by the Council, the Office of Finance may remove from its active accounts receivable the amount so approved. The Office of Finance may include in a single report its findings and supporting reasons regarding fees due from more than one person. The removal from the active accounts receivable of the Office of Finance of any unpaid fee as provided herein shall not preclude the City from collecting or attempting to collect any such fee that later proves to be collectible.
Each application for a permit for the drilling, operation, or maintenance of any oil well shall be accompanied by a bond or bonds in duplicate and executed by the applicant as principal and by a surety company authorized to do business in this State as surety, or by the applicant with two responsible sureties satisfactory to the City Attorney. All such bonds shall be approved by the City Attorney as to form and content. Required bonds shall comply with Sections through
Unless otherwise provided, a bond in the sum of $10,000 shall be filed with the Office of Finance for each oil well for which a permit is required; provided, however, that the applicant, in lieu of filing individual bonds for each such well, may file a blanket bond in the sum of $50,000 covering all oil wells for which a permit is required:
1. Where the $50,000 blanket bond is filed, each additional oil well not described in said bond shall be covered hereunder by a rider, submitted in duplicate and attached thereto, specifically describing such additional property as the bond is to cover, said rider to be executed by the principal and surety in the same manner as the bond is executed and shall be approved by the City Attorney as to form and content;
2. The total aggregate liability under the blanket bond shall be limited to the sum of $50,000; provided, however, that the maximum liability for any one oil well shall not exceed the sum of $10,000.
The conditions of the bond shall specify that the principal shall comply with all of the provisions and requirements of this article and any and all amendments thereto, and that in default thereof the principals shall upon demand pay to the City of Los Angeles all charges, costs, and expenses incurred by the City with respect to any abandonment or demolition of any oil well, in the event of a failure on the part of the principal to abandon or demolish any oil well as required by this article, and shall upon demand pay to the City all charges, costs, an expenses incurred by the City with respect to altering, reconstruction or repairing any oil well so as to cause the same to comply with the provisions of this article in the event of the failure on the part of the principal to comply with such provisions.