No person shall install, maintain, or use any lock or latch on any door providing access from a penthouse or stairway to the roof of a building except a lock or latch which is capable of being opened from the inside without the use of a key, tool, or special knowledge or effort, as determined by the Chief.
Violation of Sections 57.1010.1.1, 57.1010.1.2, 57.1010.1.2.1, 57.1010.2, 57.1010.2.4, and 57.1010.2.7.1 shall be subject to penalties and minimum fines as prescribed in Section 57.110.4 and Table 57.110.4.
Exit signs, or directional exit signs, or both, shall be provided at every exit door, at the intersection of corridors, at exit stairways or ramps and at such other locations and intervals as are necessary to provide the occupants with knowledge of at least two means of egress.
Violation of Section 57.1013.1.1 shall be subject to penalties and minimum fines as prescribed in Section 57.110.4 and Table 57.110.4.