The storage of corrosive materials in drums or carboys shall conform to the following:
1. Drums or carboys shall not be stacked more than two containers high unless on pallets. Maximum height shall be 12 feet.
2. Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Chief, drum or carboys shall be stored in rows not more than two containers in width, or the width of the pallet, if stored on pallets. The aisles between such rows shall be of sufficient width to permit inspection and removal of leaking drums or carboys.
3. Drums and carboys shall be stored in an upright position with a bung or plug uppermost.
4. Excess pressure which may have developed from high temperature hydrogen formation in drums or carboys equipped with non-porous or non-venting stoppers, plugs, or caps, shall be vented when containers are placed in storage. Drums shall be opened at frequent intervals to prevent excessive pressure developing from hydrogen formation.