The transferring of hazardous materials by pumps shall be in accordance with the following:
1. The transfer of flammable or combustible liquids shall be through piping by means of approved pumps, inert gas, or water displacement. Except as required in process equipment, gravity flow shall not be used. The use of compressed air as a transferring medium shall be prohibited.
2. Pumps shall be of a type approved for pressure, temperature, and compatibility of materials transferred.
3. Positive displacement pumps shall be provided with pressure relief discharging back to the tank or to pump suction.
4. Equipment shall be designed and arranged to prevent the unintentional escape of liquids and vapors and to minimize the quantity escaping in the event of an accidental release.
5. Pumps shall be safely located and housed in the open or in fire-resistive or noncombustible structures. Motors used to pump contents from tanks shall not be located beneath such tanks.
Tank vehicles shall be in accordance with Sections 57.5003.15.1 through 57.5003.15.2 when used for the transportation of any of the following hazardous materials:
1. Liquefied Flammable Gasses.
2. Flammable Gasses.
3. Gaseous Toxic Materials or Gaseous Oxidizing Materials when transported at pressures in excess of 0.5 psig.
4. Liquefied Toxic Materials or Liquefied Oxidizing Materials having a vapor pressure in excess of 14.7 psig at a temperature of 100°F.
No tank vehicle shall be driven into, stored, or parked on any premises occupied by or used as an assembly, institutional, educational or residential occupancy, trailer camp, auto park or similar occupancy, except by Special Permit from the Chief pursuant to Section 57.105.8.
Transfer hoses shall be in accordance with the following:
1. Transfer hoses or manifold outlets for hose connections used with cargo tanks shall not exceed two in number. The connection between the tank and the meter shall not be considered as one of these outlets. Transfer hoses shall not be longer than 100 feet.
2. Each transfer hose shall be equipped with a shutoff valve at the discharge end. Hose used for the transfer of liquid shall be equipped with an approved safety relief valve.
3. Bleeding of piping systems and transfer hoses in other than approved locations is prohibited.