An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a motion picture theater. A motion picture theater is any building or premises or portion thereof designed or used for the showing of motion pictures, when an admission fee is charged and when such building or premises is open to the public and has a capacity of ten or more persons.
No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in any specific action or project for which a permit is required by this section without first having obtained a valid permit from the Department. The Fire Code Official is authorized to issue Specific Action or Project Permits for work as set forth in Section
A Specific Action or Project Permit shall be required for the following specific actions or projects as set forth in Sections through
A Specific Action or Project Permit is required to erect, install or relocate any appliance, device, or system listed in this subsection when such equipment is to be used in connection with hazardous materials, hazardous waste, or hazardous plastics.
1. Atmospheric tank exceeding 60-gallon capacity.
2. Low pressure tank exceeding 60-gallon water capacity.
3. Pressure vessel exceeding 60-gallon water capacity.
4. Special vessel.
5. Spray booth or spray tunnel with any dimension greater than 3 feet.
6. Dip tank more than 150-gallon capacity or more than 5 square feet of surface area.
7. Flow coat machine.
8. Drying oven.
9. Industrial oven or furnace, not otherwise specified.
10. Industrial proceeding equipment, not otherwise specified.
11. Fumigation chamber.
12. Automatic fire extinguishing system except automatic sprinkler system.
13. Compressed or liquefied gas manifold (stationary).
14. Dust collecting systems.
15. Dry cleaning equipment, not otherwise specified.
16. Drill or redrill any oil well.
17. Asbestos Abatement.
18. Gas Detection System.
A Specific Action or Project Permit is required to add to or alter any item, including ducting or piping connected thereto, as set forth in Section
A Specific Action or Project Permit is required to conduct any of the following operations:
1. Fireworks display.
2. Blasting operation.
3. Exhibit, show, circus, or carnival on any parcel of land or premises other than those for which a permit is required by Sections through When such exhibit, show, circus, or carnival is conducted within a tent, the fees required by Sections through shall be deemed to include the use of such tent as a place of assemblage.
4. Transfer flammable gas, liquefied flammable gas, flammable liquids or combustible liquids as provided for in the exception to Section 57.5706.5.4.6, or in any other manner not specifically regulated by this article.
5. Abandon oil well or underground tank.
6. Burn any hazardous refuse in an open outdoor fire.
7. Temporarily store explosives in a manner not otherwise specifically regulated by this article.
8. The temporary use of a building or premise as a place of assemblage where there is not an existing Operational Permit under Section