Every storage container installed underground shall be buried not less than 6 inches below the surface of the natural grade level except where the container might be subject to abrasive action or physical damage due to vehicular traffic or other causes in which case it shall be:
Installed not less than 2 feet below the surface of the natural grade level; or otherwise protected against physical damage.
Every such vessel shall be set on a 6-inch thick bedding of water-washed sand (beach sand shall not be used) free from soil, rock, or gravel. Before any back filling is done, the position of the vessel and the sand bedding shall be approved by the Chief. After such approval, the excavation shall be back filled with the same quality water-washed sand in such a manner that the sand back fill on the sides, ends, and the top of such vessel shall be at least 6 inches thick.
Every opening for the attachment of piping and appurtenant equipment shall be in the top of such vessel. No pipe or equipment connection to any such vessel shall be buried underground, but shall be aboveground, connected to a dome or passageway which is an integral part of the vessel, or shall be in a valve pit constructed as provided in Section 57.5003.