The fees for the hazardous waste generators and hazardous waste on-site treatment activities program element will be established by the Los Angeles County Fire Department Health Hazardous Materials Division, and reviewed and approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, for the inspection and enforcement activities associated with this program element. The Los Angeles County Fire Department is a Participating Agency to the City of Los Angeles Fire Department for the inspection and enforcement activities associated with this program element. An additional administrative charge may be applied by the Fire Department for oversight activities relative to this program element.
In addition to the establishment of an annual permit fee for each underground storage tank and the administration of Chapter 50, an hourly rate shall be established for the plan check and inspection activities associated with the installation, modification, abandonment, and site mitigation of underground storage tanks and facilities.
The fees charged to recover City costs in connection with the administration of the Hazardous Materials Release Response and Inventory Program, and the provisions of Section 57.120 shall be computed based on verifiable costs to the City and specified in the “Schedule” amended under Section
If the total volume of each type of lubricating oil handled at a single business facility is below 55 gallons, but the total volume of all types of lubricating oil handled at that facility exceeds 275 gallons at any one time, each type of lubricating oil shall be subject to disclosure and business plan requirements. For the purposes of this paragraph, “lubricating oil” means any oil intended for the use in an internal combustion crankcase, or the transmission, gearbox, differential, or hydraulic system of an automobile, bus, truck, vessel, plane, heavy equipment, or other machinery powered by an internal combustion or electric powered engine. The term “lubricating oil” does not include used oil, as defined in Subdivision (a) of Section 25250.1 of the California Health and Safety Code.