The fees charged to recover City costs in connection with the administration of the California Accidental Release Prevention Program shall include an annual administrative fee, a risk factor fee, and an hourly inspection and review fee to be charged as the service is provided.
In addition to the establishment of an annual permit fee for each above ground storage tank and the administration of Chapter 50 and other applicable sections of this Code commencing with Section 57.120.7, an hourly rate shall be established for the plan check and inspection activities associated with the installation, modification, abandonment and site mitigation of above ground storage tanks and facilities.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,414, Eff. 11/8/24.)
Pursuant to Chapter 6.11, and Chapter 6.7, Section 25299.1, of the California Health and Safety Code (HSC), the City of Los Angeles assumes enforcement responsibility for the implementation of Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) and Chapter 6.7 of the HSC. Chapter 16 CCR and 6.7 HSC relate to the underground storage of hazardous materials.
Pursuant to Chapter 6.7, Section 25299.2 of the HSC, the Los Angeles Fire Department exercises its right to adopt and enforce underground tank regulations, requirements, or standards of performance that are more stringent than regulations requirements, or standards of performance in effect under Chapter 6.7 with respect to underground storage tanks, if the regulation, requirement, or standard of performance is consistent with Chapter 6.7 HSC.
EXCEPTION: The provisions of these sections shall not include structures such as clarifiers, sumps, separators, storm drains, catch basins, oil field gathering lines, refinery pipelines, intrastate pipelines, lagoons, evaporation ponds, well cellars, separation sumps, lined or unlined pits, above-ground storage tank spill containment areas, or final interceptors in industrial waste pretreatment systems.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,414, Eff. 11/8/24.)
The following terms are defined in Chapter 2:
Act – Chapter 6.95, Article 1
Business Plan
Certification Statement
Common Name
Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS)
Owner of Business
On-Site Manager
Property Owner
SIC Code
Standard Temperature and Pressure
Threatened Release
Trade Secret
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,414, Eff. 11/8/24.)
Each business that handles a hazardous material or a mixture containing a hazardous material in the City which has a quantity at any one time during the reporting year equal to, or greater than, a total weight of 500 pounds, (227 kg) or a total volume of 55 gallons (208 L), or 200 cubic feet (5.66 m
) at standard temperature and pressure for a compressed gas; or exceeds the applicable federal threshold planning quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 355, Appendix A; or exceeds the permit amounts for hazardous materials in Table, shall file an application for a Unified Program Facility Permit through the California Environmental Reporting System with the proper authorization listed for the Hazardous Materials Release Response Plan and inventory program element, and shall renew the permit annually by completing a business plan submission and payment of the annual permit fee. Application for the Unified Program facility permit with the Hazardous Materials Release Response Plan authorization shall be filed on the first day the business starts handling such substance.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,414, Eff. 11/8/24.)
Hazardous Materials Categories | CUPA Permit Amount |
Hazardous Materials Categories | CUPA Permit Amount | |
PHYSICAL HAZARDS | 1. Explosives and Blasting Agents: i. High Explosives ii. Low Explosives iii. Blasting Agents | Any amount |
2. Compressed Gases i. Flammable ii. Oxidizing iii. Corrosive iv. Highly Toxic v. Toxic vi. Inert (Chemically Unreactive) vii. Pyrophoric viii. Unstable (Reactive) | (*1) | |
3. Flammable and Combustible Liquids i. Flammable Liquids Class I-A, Class I-B, Class I-C ii. Combustible Liquids Class II, Class III-A, Class III-B | (*1) | |
4. Flammable Solids i. Organic solids ii. Inorganic solids iii. Combustible metals (except dusts and powders) iv. Combustibles dusts and powders (including metals) | 100 Pounds | |
5. Oxidizers i. Liquids (Gal) ii. Solids (Lbs) Class 4 Class 3 Class 2 Class 1 | Any Amount 1 Gallon/10 Pounds 10 Gallons/100 Pounds 55 Gallons/500 Pounds | |
6. Organic Peroxides i. Liquids (Gal) ii. Pastes iii. Solids (Lbs) Unclassified Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V | Any Amount Any Amount Any Amount 1 Gallon/10 Pounds 2 Gallons/20 Pounds 55 Gallons/500 Pounds | |
7. Pyrophoric Materials: i. Liquids, ii. Solids | (*1) | |
8. Unstable (Reactive) Liquids (Gal); Solids (Lbs) i. Class 4 ii. Class 3 iii. Class 2 iv. Class 1 | Any Any 10 Gallons/100 Pounds 55 Gallons/500 Pounds | |
9. Water-reactive Liquids (Gal); Solids (Lbs) i. Class 3 ii. Class 2 iii. Class 1 | Any 10 Gallons/100 Pounds 55 Gallons/500 Pounds | |
10. Cryogenic Fluids i. Flammable ii. Oxidizing iii. Corrosive iv. Inert v. Highly toxic | (*1) | |
HEALTH HAZARDS | 1. Highly Toxic and Toxic Materials i. Highly Toxic Liquids (Gal), Solids (Lbs) ii. Toxic Liquids (Gal), Solids (Lbs) | (*1) |
2. Radioactive Materials i. Common Radiation Source Materials ii. Fissile Materials | (*1) Any Amount | |
3. Corrosive Liquids (Gal); Solids (Lbs) i. Acids ii. Bases (Alkalis) iii. Other Corrosives | (*1) | |
4. Other Health Hazards Liquids (Gal); Solids (Lbs) i. Carcinogens or Suspect Carcinogens ii. Target Organ Toxins iii. Irritants iv. Sensitizers | (*1) | |
*1: Quantities equal to, or exceeding thresholds stated in Section 25507 of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code shall be reported. Retail exemption stated in California Health and Safety Code section 25507 is not applicable for anything referenced in this Table