Whenever the Chief determines it is essential for the safeguarding of life and property from fire, explosion, panic, or other hazardous conditions which may arise in the temporary use of an occupancy and/or premises, the Chief may require one or more Fire Safety Officers to be present during the activity. No such use of an occupancy or premises shall proceed without a timely request to the Chief, as provided in this section, for assignment of a Fire Safety Officer.
Whenever the Chief determines that a Uniformed Fire Safety Officer shall be present, the Department shall collect a fee established by the Board. Said fee shall constitute the total sum payable from any source for the services of that person. The Board, with the concurrence of the City Administrative Officer, shall determine on a regular basis the verifiable cost of the City for the Uniformed Fire Safety Officer. These costs shall be the actual total cost, as determined by the Board.
Whenever the Chief determines that a Certified Fire Safety Officer is required, payment for the services of said officer shall be paid to the Certified Fire Safety Officer by the person engaging the services of the Certified Fire Safety Officer. For each such Certified Fire Safety Officer assigned by the Chief, the hourly rate shall be the rate established in the existing Los Angeles Fire Department Memorandum of Understanding for Fire Inspector 1. Said fee shall constitute the total sum payable from any source for the services of that person. Payment for a Certified Fire Safety Officer shall be based on the following requirements:
1. Four-hour minimum workday.
2. Time and one-half after eight hours.
3. Time and one-half for Saturdays and Sundays.
4. Time and one-half for holidays identified by the existing Los Angeles Fire Department Memorandum of Understanding for Fire Inspector 1.
A request for the assignment of a Fire Safety Officer shall be made to the office of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety during normal business hours not less than 24 business hours in advance of the need. For weekend assignment or when a holiday will intervene, the request shall be made 48 hours in advance of the need.
The Board is authorized to issue approved passes entitling the holders thereof to pass Fire Department barriers at the discretion of the Incident Commander. Such passes shall bear a number and a statement of the purpose of issuance, together with the words “Los Angeles Fire Department.”