This section shall set forth the requirements of a Fire Watch when the Chief determines that a building or premises presents a hazard to life or property as the result of a fire or other emergency, or when it is determined that any fire protection equipment or system is inoperable, defective, or has been taken out of service.
Violation of Sections 57.918.2 through 57.918.2.2 shall be subject to penalties and minimum fines as prescribed in Section 57.110.4 and Table 57.110.4.
The owner, manager, or person in charge or control of the building or premises shall assign to the Fire Watch as many personnel as are required by the Chief, and shall instruct Fire Watch personnel as to:
1. The procedure for notifying the Fire Department.
2. The area to be patrolled.
3. A method of alerting building occupants and an evacuation procedure.
Note: When two or more Fire Watch personnel are required, two-way radios may be required by the Fire Department to facilitate communication and evacuation.
4. A procedure shall be provided for reactivating sprinkler valves in the event of fire when the sprinkler system has been taken out of service, and any other instruction required by the Chief.
The owner, manager, or person in charge or control of the premises shall provide a log book which contains a directory of names, telephone numbers, and other information to assist in making emergency calls and calls to key management personnel, and which shall be used to record a history of patrol rounds.
The log book shall be maintained on the premises and be available for inspection by the Department.