A fire and life safety log must be maintained by the designated Fire Watch as follows:
1. The log must be maintained from the beginning of the abatement process until the final clean air certification is received.
2. When fire protective coating has been removed from structural members, the log shall be maintained until all respray is complete.
3. The log shall be used solely for the recording of fire and life safety information and shall be kept at the work site in the clean room at all times. It shall be available for review by Fire Department representatives.
4. The log shall be a bound notebook or three- ring binder and shall contain the information set forth in Section 57.324.18.1.1 for each working day.
1. The date.
2. The name and title of the assigned Fire Watch.
3. The area assigned to each Fire Watch.
4. The actual start and stop time of each patrol and the name of the Fire Watch person conducting that patrol.
5. Entries describing any fire or life safety problem that was found and how it was corrected.
6. A brief account of any fire incident, regardless of size, including all facts, names of individuals involved, including witnesses, how it was extinguished, and the probable cause. Included shall be the time and method of Fire Department notification.
7. A statement at the conclusion of each work day, signed by the on-site Safety Coordinator, confirming that a survey of the work site has been made and any unsafe fire and life safety conditions have been rectified.
In the absence of a functioning, approved automatic fire detection system connected to the building’s central alarm system in the area undergoing abatement or respray, a Fire Watch shall be maintained on a 24-hour basis. For this purpose, elevator smoke detectors shall not be considered an approved fire detection system.
In abatement areas protected by a functioning, approved automatic fire detection system connected to the building’s central alarm system, the Fire Watch may be discontinued 30 minutes after the completion of each work day under the following conditions:
1. The building’s central alarm system must be monitored on a 24-hour basis either by building security personnel or by an alarm company at a remote location.
2. No structure, separation, or barriers set up for containment or other purposes shall impede the proper operation of any detection device or limit the intended area the device was installed to monitor.
3. Alternate fire alarm equipment requires the approval of the Fire Department and the Department of Building and Safety.
Smoking shall not be permitted inside any asbestos abatement area or within 25 feet of any asbestos abatement area. Approved “NO SMOKING” signs shall be conspicuously posted in accordance with Section 57.310.3. It shall be the responsibility of the asbestos abatement contractor to enforce this prohibition.