Where wells are located in an area accessible to vehicular traffic, in addition to a security fence there shall be a collision barrier. The collision barrier shall be constructed of posts spaced a maximum of 4 feet on center and shall be set in concrete or in steel sleeves which are encased in concrete. Such posts shall be at least 5 feet in length, with 2 feet below ground and shall not be less than 4-inch diameter, Schedule 40 iron pipe filled with concrete. Collision barriers shall be located outside the security fence and shall not be less than 10 feet from the center of the oil well casing.
EXCEPTION: The Chief may approve the omission of all or part of both the security fence and collision barrier when, by such omission, the well head and appurtenances will not be exposed to damage from moving vehicles, other heavy objects, or will not be accessible to any unauthorized persons. The terms of any such approval shall be in writing and shall become a condition of the permit authorizing the installation, maintenance, and use of such well head and appurtenances.