Tanks used for the storage of corrosive materials shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Tanks shall be equipped with manual shut- off valves which may be operated without going beneath the tank.
2. Tanks having a capacity in excess of 120 gallons and located within or upon buildings shall be equipped with heat-actuated, automatic-closing shutoff valves approved by the Chief.
1. The Chief may permit the use of a remote-control valve which is clearly labeled and located where easily accessible in the event of fire or another emergency.
2. Tanks not resting upon the ground or floor and located within a building or within 10 feet of a combustible structure, shall rest on supports of at least one-hour fire-resistive construction.
3. When tanks are located outside of a building and are connected to piping entering a building, conspicuously labeled emergency shutoff valves shall be installed at a readily available place outside of the building.