Automatic sprinkler systems shall be provided with spare sprinkler heads as follows:
1. For systems with not over 300 sprinklers, provide six spare sprinkler heads.
2. For systems with 301 to 1,000 sprinklers, provide 12 spare sprinkler heads.
3. For systems with over 1,000 sprinklers, provide 24 spare sprinkler heads.
These spare sprinkler heads shall correspond to the type and temperature ratings of the sprinkler heads in the system. These sprinkler heads shall be kept in a cabinet mounted in the vicinity of the sprinkler control valve or other approved location if the control valve is outside the building. A wrench suitable for the removal and installation of all sprinkler heads used shall be kept in the cabinet.
Violation of Section 57.903.1.2 shall be subject to penalties and minimum fines as prescribed in Section 57.110.4 and Table 57.110.4.
Violation of Section 57.903.3.10 shall be subject to penalties and minimum fines as prescribed in Section 57.110.4 and Table 57.110.4.
All Fire Department sprinkler and standpipe inlet connections shall be provided with approved signs indicating the type of system and the area served. Signs shall be securely attached to the building adjacent to the inlet connections. Signs shall be not less than 8 inches in width and 4 inches in height.
Violation of Section 57.903.3.12 shall be subject to penalties and minimum fines as prescribed in Section 57.110.4 and Table 57.110.4.