A single switch or set of switches shall be provided for the emergency shutdown of all negative air equipment located in the containment area. This switch or set of switches:
1. Shall be for emergency use by Fire Department personnel.
2. Shall be located in a non-contaminated area near the exit from the decontamination station and shall be clearly identified using a sign with minimum 3" high x 1/2" wide lettering on a contrasting background. The sign shall read “NEGATIVE AIR MASTER SHUT-OFF.”
1. Respray of fire protective coatings shall be completed within 15 days after receipt of the final air- monitoring clearance. All areas where fire protective coatings have been removed, including areas that have been cored or spot abated to facilitate the placement of pipe hangers, etc., shall be returned to the degree of fire resistiveness as prescribed by the Department of Building and Safety.
2. The building owner shall cause the respray of all fire protective coatings to be accomplished under permit from the Department of Building and Safety within 15 days of the contractor receiving final air- monitoring clearance.
In all asbestos abatement projects, regardless of size, one on-site supervisor selected by the contractor shall be designated as the Safety Coordinator and shall be responsible for the following:
1. Educating on-site personnel in general safety procedures.
2. Insuring that on-site personnel are aware of the location and proper use of all extinguishers and other fire and life safety equipment.
Where the abatement project is 1,000 square feet or more, or whenever any of the fire protective coating of the building’s structural members are removed, the following shall apply:
1. A person shall be selected by the contractor to function as a Fire Watch. The Fire Watch may perform only duties which are specifically related to the security and fire safety of the overall work area.
2. The Fire Watch must inspect every area of the work site every 30 minutes during working hours for fire and life safety problems and shall continue such inspections a minimum of 30 minutes after the cessation of work.