(a) Incorporation of County Code Provisions.
1. (Amended by Ord. No. 176,562, Eff. 5/11/05.)
(A) The provisions of Division 1 of Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code, entitled “Health Code,” as amended to July 9, 1987, a copy of which is attached to Council File No. 86-1437 as Attachment “B” to the report of the City Attorney dated March 28, 1988, with the exception of Chapter 11.19 and Section 11.20.310 of Part 2 of Chapter 11.20 of Division 1 of said Title 11 fully express the will and intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles as to those matters relating to public health which are contained therein, and are hereby adopted, except said Chapter 11.19 and Section 11.20.310 of Part 2 of Chapter 11.20, and are incorporated herein by reference.
(B) Chapter 11.19 and Section 11.20.310 of Part 2 of Chapter 11.20 of Division 1 (entitled “Health Code”), of Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code, as amended to July 9, 1987, do not express the Council’s will and intention and are expressly not adopted by the City of Los Angeles.
(C) The provisions of Sections 8.04.165, 8.04.225, 8.04.275, 8.04.337, 8.04.405, 8.04.405, 8.04.752, 8.04.755, 8.04.930 and 8.04.943 of Title 8 and the provisions of Chapter 11.11 of Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code, as enacted by and referenced in Los Angeles County Ordinance 97-0071, effective January 16, 1998, fully express the will and intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles as to those matters relating to public health which are contained therein, and are hereby adopted and are incorporated herein by reference. (Para. Added by Ord. No. 171,930, Eff. 4/3/98.)
(D) The provisions of Chapter 11.04 of Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code, as enacted by and referenced in Los Angeles County Ordinance 2004-0050, effective October 14, 2004, fully express the will and intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles as to those matters relating to public health that are contained therein, and are hereby adopted and are incorporated herein by reference. (Added by Ord. No. 176,562, Eff. 5/11/05.)
(E) The provisions of Sections 8.04.142, 8.04.200, 8.04.225, 8.04.275, 8.04.306, 8.04.311, 8.04.337, 8.04.403, 8.04.595, 8.04.752, 8.04.755, and 8.04.943 of Title 8 of the Los Angeles County Code, as enacted by and referenced in Los Angeles County Ordinance 2010-0045, effective November 18, 2010, as the referenced provisions of the Los Angeles County Code may be amended from time to time, fully express the will and intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles as to those matter relating to public heath that are contained therein, and are hereby adopted and are incorporated herein by reference. (Added by Ord. No. 181,431, Eff. 1/16/11.)
(F) The provisions of Chapter 11.39 of Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code, as enacted and referenced in Los Angeles County Ordinance 2012-0058, effective November 18, 2012, as the referenced provisions of the Los Angeles County Code may be amended from time to time, fully express the will and intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles as to those matters relating to public health that are contained therein, and are hereby adopted and are incorporated herein by reference. (Added by Ord. No. 182,606, Eff. 8/6/13.)
(G) The provisions of Part 7 of Chapter 8.04, and Chapter 37 of Title 11, of the Los Angeles County Code, as enacted and referenced in Los Angeles County Ordinance 2017-0060 § 3, effective January 18, 2018, as the referenced provisions of the Los Angeles County Code may be amended from time to time, fully express the will and intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles as to those matters relating to public health that are contained therein, and are hereby adopted and are incorporated herein by reference. (Added by Ord. No. 187,553, Eff. 7/6/22.)
(H) The provisions of Chapter 11.01 of Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code, as enacted by and referenced in Los Angeles County Ordinance 2020-0065U, effective November 24, 2020, and as amended by Ordinance 20220064, effective January 5, 2023, and Ordinance 2023-0035, effective August 10, 2023, and as the referenced provisions of the Los Angeles County Code may be amended from time to time, are adopted and incorporated by reference. (Added by Ord. No. 188,389, Eff. 10/22/24.)
2. For purposes of this section, County “Health Code” references to “Building Code” and “County Engineer” shall be deemed to be references to those terms as they appear in Chapter IX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
3. For purposes of this section, County “Health Code” references to the term “County Fire Code” shall mean “Fire Code of the City of Los Angeles.”
(b) Continuation of existing Municipal Code provisions. The provisions of the County “Health Code” adopted and incorporated herein by reference, insofar as they are substantially the same as provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code relating to the same subject matter existing immediately preceding the codifying of this section, by its adoption shall be construed as restatements and continuances of existing law, and not as new enactments.
(c) Conflict with Municipal Code Provisions. (Amended by Ord. 171,930, Eff. 4/3/98.) In the event any provision of Title 8 or Title 11 of the Los Angeles County Code referenced above conflicts with any provision of the Los Angeles Municipal Code now or hereinafter enacted, the provision of the Municipal Code shall prevail over the conflicting County Code provision.
(d) Issuance of a permit certification or approval. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section:
1. Any permit, certification or approval issued under the provisions of this section shall be void if it is in violation of any provision of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, including this or any other section of that Code, or of any law of the City of Los Angeles.
2. The issuance of a permit, certification or approval under the provisions of this section shall not constitute an approval of any violation of any provision of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, including this section or any other section of that Code, or of any law of the City of Los Angeles, and a permit, certification, approval or other document purporting to give such authority shall not be valid with respect thereto.
3. The issuance of a permit, certification or approval under the provisions of this section shall not constitute a waiver of any other requirements contained in the Los Angeles Municipal Code, including this or any other section of that Code, or of any law of the City of Los Angeles, and all such requirements shall be complied with in addition to the obtaining of a permit, certification or approval under the provisions of this section.
(e) Posting of Orders. (Added by Ord. No. 170,445, Eff. 5/6/95, Oper. 7/5/95.) All Orders to Correct issued pursuant to this chapter shall be posted in a visible location in the residential rental building cited.