A minimum of one Floor Warden per floor shall be designated to perform the duties required by this section. Additional Floor Wardens shall be required if the occupant load of a floor exceeds 500 people. The Floor Warden shall obtain and maintain a valid Floor Warden Certificate, approved by the Fire Department, and shall present their certificate for inspection upon request by Fire Department personnel. Alternate Floor Wardens shall also obtain a certificate as Floor Warden and be designated for each floor, and be prepared to assume the Floor Warden duties when necessary. In a residential building, the Floor Warden shall be a resident on that floor or an employee of that building owner or manager. In a non-residential building, the Floor Wardens shall be employees on that floor. The Floor Wardens shall receive training at least once each year in order to maintain a valid certificate. Exemptions to this regulation may be granted only upon a written request approved by the Fire Code Official. The building owner shall be responsible for payment of the annual fee associated with the issuance of the required number of Floor Warden Certificates by the Fire Department.
The designated personnel required by Section 57.408.5 shall have, at a minimum, the duties listed in Sections 57.408.7.1.1 through 57.408.7.1.4.
The Fire Safety Director or Assistant Fire Safety Director shall:
1. During an emergency, call 9-1-1 or designate someone to place the call; report to the building’s Emergency Assistance Center; direct, evacuation operations in the building including disabled personnel in the designated refuge or rescue locations who have identified the need for assistance; and report the current conditions to the Fire Department.
2. Conduct monthly building safety inspections to identify hazards and obstructions in the egress pathways.
3. Develop procedures for implementation of the Emergency Plan and direct emergency evacuations and drills.
4. Assign wardens for each floor, selected from the occupants on that floor.
5. Incorporate Private First Responders for each occupied floor if identified by the Emergency Plan.