An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a theater. A theater is any room, hall, auditorium or premises having a stage or platform designed or used for entertainment and adapted to the presentation of plays, musicals, operas, pageants, or similar forms of entertainment.
An Operational Permit is required to engage in the business of a motion picture theater. A motion picture theater is any building or premises or portion thereof designed or used for the showing of motion pictures, when an admission fee is charged and when such building or premises is open to the public and has a capacity of ten or more persons.
No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in any specific action or project for which a permit is required by this section without first having obtained a valid permit from the Department. The Fire Code Official is authorized to issue Specific Action or Project Permits for work as set forth in Section
A Specific Action or Project Permit shall be required for the following specific actions or projects as set forth in Sections through