Where a response distance is greater than that shown in Table 57.507.3.3, all structures shall be constructed with automatic fire sprinkler systems. Additional fire protection shall be provided as required by the Chief.
Where the Chief determines that any or all of the supplemental fire protection equipment or systems described in this section may be substituted in lieu of the requirements of this chapter with respect to any facility, structure, group of structures or premises, the person owning or having control thereof shall either conform to the requirements of this chapter or shall install such supplemental equipment or systems. Where the Chief determines that any or all of such equipment or systems are necessary in addition to the requirements of this chapter as to any facility, structure, group of structures or premises, the owner thereof shall install such required equipment or systems.
Supplemental fire protection equipment or systems shall consist of:
1. Fire protective signaling systems which shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
2. Fire hydrants which shall be installed in accordance with Section 57.507.3.1, or as required by the Chief.
3. Automatic fire extinguishing systems which shall be installed in accordance with, but not limited to, Chapter 9 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
4. Smoke removal systems which shall be designed for the hazard to be protected and shall be approved by the Chief.
5. Standpipe systems which shall be installed in accordance with the Los Angeles Municipal Code (Plumbing Code).
6. Systems or equipment not specified: The installation, arrangement of, or alteration thereto, of other fire protection equipment or systems which are deemed necessary to provide minimum fire protection as may be required by the Chief.