Contractors' Working Conditions | |
Certification of Eligibles | |
Removal or Discharge of Permanent, Non-Probationary Employees | |
Disciplinary Suspensions | |
Fine, Suspension and Dismissal in Police and Fire Departments | |
Temporary Suspension Pending Commission Hearing; Exoneration of Charges | |
Disciplinary Action against Striking Employees | |
Disciplinary Action against Striking Employees other than Members of Police and Fire Department | |
Authorization to Transfer Unused Sick Leave | |
Compensation During Parental Leave | |
Definition | |
Eligibility | |
Duration | |
Supplemental Compensation | |
Reimbursement | |
Non-Vested Benefit | |
Rules for Administration, Interpretation and Regulation of Parental Leave | |
General Rules for Establishing and Paying Compensation | |
Early Retirement Benefits Targeted to Mitigate Layoffs | |
Purpose | |
Early Retirement Benefits | |
Authority | |
Schedule | |
Eligibility | |
Notification Procedure | |
Extension | |
Costs | |
School and Community College Districts | |
Non-Vested Benefit | |
Discretionary Authority | |
Compensation of Teachers, Part-Time Employees and Certain Other Groups | |
Compensation for Registered Nurse Classifications | |
Salaries and Benefits of Carmen | |
FY 2009-2010 Interim Economic Provisions | |
Salaries of Uniformed Forces in the Police and Fire Departments | |
Salary Deductions | |
Declaration of Policy | |
Employees Covered | |
Interim Provisions | |
Obligation to Bargain in Good Faith | |
Impasse Resolution Procedures | |
Retirement Benefits | |
Employee Relations Rules | |
Retiree Health Care Trust Fund | |
FY 2009-2010 Economic Provisions and Future Proceedings | |
Miscellaneous Employees Not in the Retirement System | |
Reimbursement of Expenses | |
Payment for Repair or Replacement of Equipment | |
Establishment of and Membership in Health Service System | |
Adoption of Plans for Residents | |
Adoption of Plans for Members | |
Revision of Schedules and Compensation | |
Specificity Required | |
Persons Covered | |
Right of Selection | |
Effect of Other Charter Provisions | |
Health Service System Trust Fund | |
Contributions to Fund | |
"Medical Care" Defined | |
Limitation of Claims by Members | |
Severability | |
Retiree Health Care Trust Fund | |
Additional Contributions to Retiree Health Care Trust Fund | |
Annual Vacations of Employees | |
Authorization to Transfer Vacation Credits | |
Municipal Railway | |
Police Department | |
Fire Department | |
Retirement System for Officers and Employees | |
Reciprocal Pension Benefits with the Retirement System and with Other Public Pension Plans | |
Domestic Partner Qualified Survivor Benefits | |
Retirement of Elective Officers | |
Retirement – Court Employees and Attaches | |
Retirement – Parking Authority Employees | |
Retirement – Port Authority Employees | |
Sheriff's Department | |
Teachers in the San Francisco Unified School District and San Francisco Community College District | |
Miscellaneous Safety Employees | |
Housing Authority Police | |
Per Diem Nurses on January 1, 1988 | |
District Attorneys, Public Defenders and Public Defender Investigators | |
Miscellaneous Officers and Employees on January 8, 1932 | |
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Employees | |
Retirement – Miscellaneous Officers and Employees on and after July 1, 1947 | |
Actuarial Tables, Rates and Valuations | |
Pensions of Retired Persons | |
Relinquishment of Certain Retirement Allowances | |
Credit on Current Contributions, for Certain Public Reserves Released by Withdrawal or Relinquishment by Retiring or Retired Teachers | |
Social Security Coverage | |
Compensation Insurance Payments | |
Disability Benefits | |
Elimination of Mandatory Retirement | |
Hearing Officer | |
Retirement System Credit for Representative Service | |
Continuous Service | |
Credit for Certain Military Service | |
Early Retirement Benefits | |
Early Retirement Benefits | |
Recalculation/Effective Date of Retirement | |
Return to Service | |
Compliance with Tax Laws | |
Retirement System Credit For Unpaid Parental Leave | |
Definitions | |
Eligibility | |
Election to Purchase Service Credit for Unpaid Parental Leave | |
Cost Neutrality | |
Credit in Retirement System For Unpaid Parental Leave | |
Non-Vested Benefit | |
Applicability | |
Contributions to Retirement Fund | |
Cost of Living Adjustment in Allowances | |
Supplemental Cost of Living Benefit | |
Cost of Living Adjustment in Allowances on and after January 10, 2009 | |
Supplemental Cost of Living Benefit on and after January 10, 2009 | |
Supplemental Cost of Living Benefit for Persons Hired on and after January 7, 2012 | |
Community Property Rights | |
Retirement – Miscellaneous Officers and Employees prior to July 1, 1947 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 1, 1947 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 1, 1952 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 1, 1947 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 2, 1952 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired on or after July 1, 1947, and prior to April 1, 1966 | |
Increasing retirement allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired on or after July 1, 1947, and prior to July 1, 1974 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired under Section 8.507 prior to January 1, 1972 | |
Increasing of Certain Retirement Allowances in Effect prior to July 1, 1977 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 2, 1980 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 2, 1985 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 2, 1988 | |
Increasing Retirement Allowances of Miscellaneous Officers and Employees Retired prior to July 2, 1991 | |
Members of the Police Department of January 8, 1932 | |
Salary Base, For Retirement Purposes, of Former Rank of Corporal of Police | |
Police Department – Retired Members and Beneficiaries on January 8, 1932 | |
Members of the Police Department-January 8, 1932 to July 1, 1945 | |
Members of the Police Department after July 1, 1945 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment of Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment of Allowances because of Compensation Benefits | |
Death Benefits | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Definition of "Final Compensation" – Allowances First Payable prior to July 1, 1975 | |
Members of the Police Department on and after July 1, 1975 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensatory Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation in Employment during Retirement | |
Right to Transfer | |
Vesting | |
Definition, Members of Fire and Police Department | |
Pension Provisions – Dependent of Members of Fire and Police Departments Killed in Line of Duty | |
Credit for Service in Underwriters' Fire Patrol | |
Members of Fire Department on January 8, 1932 | |
Fire Department – Retired Members and Beneficiaries on January 8, 1932 | |
Members of the Fire Department – January 8, 1932 to July 1, 1949 | |
Member of the Fire Department after July 1, 1949 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payments to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment during Retirement | |
Definition of "Final Compensation" – Allowances First Payable prior to July 1, 1975 | |
Retirement – Miscellaneous Officers and Employees after November 1, 1976 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
No Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Benefits upon Termination of Membership | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment during Retirement | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Conflicting Charter Provisions | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Members of the Fire Department on and after July 1, 1975 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation in Employment during Retirement | |
Right to Transfer | |
Vesting | |
Severability | |
Members of the Police Department after November 1, 1976 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment during Retirement | |
Conflicting Charter Provisions | |
Vesting | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Retirement – Miscellaneous Officers and Employees on and after November 7, 2000 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
No Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Benefits upon Termination of Membership | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Severability | |
Application of Plan | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Members of the Fire Department after November 1, 1976 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Fines | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment during Retirement | |
Conflicting Charter Provisions | |
Vesting | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Declaration of Policy | |
Employees Covered | |
Prohibition against Strikes | |
Obligation to Negotiate in Good Faith | |
Impasse Resolution Procedures | |
Retiree Benefit Adjustments | |
Preservation of Tax Benefits | |
Retiree Health Care Trust Fund | |
Employees Not in the Retirement System | |
Members of the Police Department on January 1, 2003 who are Members of the Retirement System under Charter Section A8.559 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation in Employment During Retirement | |
Vesting | |
Severability | |
Members of the Fire Department on January 1, 2003 who are Members of the Retirement System under Charter Section A8.585 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation in Employment During Retirement | |
Vesting | |
Severability | |
Members of the Police Department on January 1, 2003 who are Members of the Retirement System under Charter Section A8.586, and Members of the Police Department after January 1, 2003 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Severability | |
Vesting | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Members of the Fire Department on January 1, 2003 who are Members of the Retirement System under Charter Section A8.588, and Members of the Fire Department after January 1, 2003 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Severability | |
Vesting | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Tax-Deferred Plans for Accumulated Compensation | |
Miscellaneous Officers and Employees on and After July 1, 2010 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
No Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Benefits Upon Termination of Membership | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Severability | |
Application of Plan | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Members of the Fire Department on and After July 1, 2010 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Severability | |
Vesting | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Members of the Police Department on and After July 1, 2010 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Severability | |
Vesting | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Miscellaneous Officers and Employees on and after January 7, 2012 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
No Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Benefits upon Termination of Membership | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Application of Plan | |
Severability | |
Members of the Fire Department on and after January 7, 2012 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Deferred Retirement | |
Severability | |
Members of the Police Department on and after January 7, 2012 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Deferred Retirement | |
Severability | |
Undersheriffs and Deputized Personnel of the Sheriff's Department Before July 1, 2010 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Deferred Retirement | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Severability | |
Undersheriffs and Deputized Personnel of the Sheriff's Department Hired after July 1, 2010 and Before January 7, 2012 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Deferred Retirement | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Severability | |
Sheriff, Undersheriff and Deputized Personnel of the Sheriff's Department Assuming Office on and after January 7, 2012 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Deferred Retirement | |
Severability | |
Miscellaneous Safety Personnel Hired Before January 7, 2012 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Deferred Retirement | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Severability | |
Miscellaneous Safety Personnel Hired on and after January 7, 2012 | |
Definitions | |
Service Retirement | |
Retirement for Incapacity | |
Death Allowance | |
Payment to Surviving Dependents | |
Adjustment of Allowances | |
Adjustment for Compensation Payments | |
Death Benefit | |
Refunds and Redeposits | |
Computation of Service | |
Sources of Funds | |
Right to Retire | |
Forfeiture for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude | |
Limitation on Employment During Retirement | |
Deferred Retirement | |
Severability | |
Preamble. | |
Eligibility to Participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Program. | |
Effect of Disability on Continued Participation. | |
The Effect of Participation in the DROP Upon Pension Benefit Calculations. | |
Establishment of the DROP Account. | |
Rights of Surviving Spouse, Domestic Partner, or Dependents. | |
Termination of Participation in the DROP. | |
Employment Status of the Member During Participation in the DROP. | |
Compliance with Tax Laws. | |
Determination of Cost Neutrality. | |
Withdrawal or Rollover of DROP Accounts. | |
Every contract for any public work or improvement to be performed at the expense of the City and County, or paid out of moneys deposited in the treasury, whether such work is to be done directly under contract awarded, or indirectly by or under subcontract, subpartnership, day labor, station work, piece work, or any other arrangement whatsoever, must provide:
(a) that in the performance of the contract and all work thereunder, eight hours shall be the maximum hours of labor on any calendar day, except that hours of labor in excess of eight hours per day may be permitted when conditions so warrant upon the approval of the department head responsible for the supervision of the contract, provided that compensation for all hours worked in excess of eight hours per day conforms to the requirements of the Labor Code of the State of California and all applicable federal laws;
(b) that any person performing labor thereunder shall be paid not less than the highest general prevailing rate of wages in private employment for similar work; however, the Board of Supervisors may by resolution exempt from the prevailing wage requirement any contract where the work is to be performed by a non-profit organization that provides job training and work experience for disadvantaged individuals in need of such training and experience, and either (1) has a board of directors which is appointed by the Mayor, or (2) exists primarily to design and build urban gardens, yards and play areas;
(c) that any person performing labor in the execution of the contract shall be a citizen of the United States;
(d) that all laborers employed in the execution of any contract within the limits of the City and County shall have been residents of the City and County for a period of one year immediately preceding the date of their engagements to perform labor thereunder; provided, however, that the officer empowered to award any such contract may, upon application of the contractor, waive such residence qualifications and issue a permit specifying the extent and terms of such waiver whenever the fact be established that the required number of laborers and mechanics possessing qualifications required by the work to be done cannot be engaged to perform labor thereunder.
The term "public work" or "improvement," as used in this section shall, include the fabrication, manufacturing or assembling of materials in any shop, plant, manufacturing establishment or other place of employment, when the said materials are of unique or special design, or are made according to plans and specifications for the particular work or improvement and any arrangement made for the manufacturing, fabrication or assembling of such materials shall be deemed to be a contract or a subcontract subject to the provisions of this section.
The Board of Supervisors shall have full power and authority to enact all necessary ordinances to carry out the terms of this section and may by ordinance provide that any contract for any public work or improvement or for the purchase of materials which are to be manufactured, fabricated or assembled for any public work or improvement, a preference in price not to exceed 10 percent shall be allowed in favor of such materials as are to be manufactured, fabricated or assembled within the City and County of San Francisco as against similar materials which may be manufactured, fabricated or assembled outside thereof. When any such materials are to be fabricated, assembled or manufactured by any subcontractor or materialman for the purpose of supplying the same to any contractor bidding on or performing any contract for any public work or improvement, said sub-contractor or materialman manufacturing, fabricating, assembling or furnishing said materials manufactured, assembled or fabricated within the City and County of San Francisco shall be entitled to the same preferential as would any original contractor or materialman furnishing the same if the Board of Supervisors by ordinance so provide. When any ordinance shall so provide any officer, board or commission letting any contract may in determining the lowest responsible bidder for the doing or performing of any public work or improvement add to said bid or sub-bid an amount sufficient not exceeding 10 percent in order to give preference to materials manufactured, fabricated or assembled within the City and County of San Francisco.
Whenever a position controlled by the civil service provisions of this Charter is to be filled, the appointing officer shall make a requisition to the department of human resources for a person to fill it. Thereupon, the department shall certify to the appointing officer the names and addresses of all those persons meeting the certification rule established for that classification. The Civil Service Commission shall establish certification rules. Certification rules shall not be more restrictive than the certification of all candidates receiving the three highest scores on the list of eligibles for such positions. The appointing officer shall fill the position by the appointment of one of the persons certified. In making such certification, sex shall be disregarded except when a statute, rule of the commission or the appointing officer specifies sex; provided however, the appointing officer shall give due consideration to applicable civil service equal employment opportunity (EEO) goals so as to maximize diversity at all levels of City employment. The Mayor and the Board of Supervisors shall annually review each department's performance in meeting its civil service EEO obligations.
From the requisition of the appointing officer or otherwise, the department shall determine whether the position is, in character, temporary, seasonal or permanent, and shall notify the candidate in accordance therewith to the end that the candidate may have knowledge of the probable duration of employment. The department shall provide for such waiver of temporary or seasonal employment as it may deem just to candidates.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this or any other provision of the Charter, an employee who has been certified from a regularly adopted eligible list to a non-permanent position in a civil service classification shall be entitled to appointment to a permanent position within that same classification before the department certifies to the appointing officer the names and addresses of persons standing higher on the list of eligibles who are not then current employees, subject to a demonstration of satisfactory job performance in the non-permanent position for a period and in the manner provided by rule of the commission. The provisions of this section as herein amended shall only be applicable to requisitions for permanent positions filled from and after January 1, 1980.
A. Any person employed under the civil service provisions of this Charter, exclusive of members of the uniformed ranks of the police and fire departments as provided under Section 8.343 hereof, in a position defined by the commission as "permanent" may be removed or discharged by the appointing officer for just cause, after being provided with written notice of the charges, copies of all documentation upon which the charges are based and after an opportunity to respond to the charges before the appointing officer or his or her designee. Pending investigation of conduct involving misappropriation of public funds or property, misuse or destruction of public property, drug addiction or habitual intemperance, mistreatment of persons, immorality, acts which would constitute a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or acts which present an immediate danger to the public health and safety the appointing officer may place the accused person on unpaid administrative leave for no more than 30 days unless the investigation shall be delayed beyond such time by the act of the accused person. When the appointing officer imposes discharge or removal he or she shall, in writing, notify the person removed or discharged of the right to appeal the discharge or removal by mailing such statement to his last known address. The employee shall have thirty days from the date of mailing of the notice to file an appeal of the matter in writing with the appointing officer. Upon receipt of a timely appeal, the appeal shall be conducted forthwith by a qualified and unbiased hearing officer who shall be employed under contract by the City and County and selected by procedures set forth in the rules of the civil service commission. The hearing officer shall publicly hear and determine the appeal, and may approve the discharge or removal, or exonerate, or suspend the accused.
If the employee is exonerated the hearing officer may, at his or her discretion, order payment of salary to the employee for the period of the discharge or removal or unpaid administrative leave, and the report of such period of discharge or removal or unpaid administrative leave shall thereupon be expunged from the record of service of such employee.
The civil service commission shall immediately be notified of the charges when made, of the action of the appointing officer to remove or discharge, of the appeal, and of the finding thereon. The finding of the hearing officer shall be final.
The civil service commission may remove or discharge an employee for any charge filed by a citizen or by any member of or authorized agent of the commission when the appointing officer neglects or refuses to take such action against the employee within 30 days of notification to the department head of the occurrence or event giving rise to the charge. Removal or discharge may be made for any cause after the employee is provided with written notice of the charges, copies of all documentation upon which the charges are based and after the employee has had the opportunity to respond to the charges before the civil service commission or its designee. The decision of the civil service commission shall be final.
Nothing in this section shall limit or restrict rules adopted by the commission governing dismissal of probationary employees, lay-offs or reduction in force or providing for the removal of any appointee who has abandoned his or her position as defined by civil service commission rule.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A above, a recognized employee organization and any affected City department may agree to alternative procedures, including final and binding arbitration by a neutral arbitrator jointly selected by the employee organization and the City, to deal with charges brought against individual employees, the resolution of such charges and the appropriate discipline, if any, to be imposed on the employee. Said alternative procedures shall be included in a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the employee organization which shall be effective when ratified by the Board of Supervisors.