Purpose – Urban Forestry Council. | |
Scope of Authority. | |
Council Composition and Administration. | |
Responsibilities. | |
Urban Forest Plan. | |
Public Education and Outreach. | |
Best Management Practices. | |
Funding Assessment. | |
Staffing Support and Responsibilities. | |
Reporting Responsibility. | |
(a) It is the intent of the Board of Supervisors to form an Urban Forestry Council that will protect the community interest and ensure that San Francisco realizes the full range of tree benefits into the future. The Board also intends to replace any existing tree advisory bodies that the Board of Supervisors has created through legislation.
(b) The purpose of the Council is to guide the stewardship of San Francisco's trees by promoting a healthy and sustainable urban forest that benefits all San Franciscans while ensuring public health and safety.
(c) To meet this purpose, the Council shall work with all the affected stakeholders to:
(1) Develop and adopt a comprehensive urban forest plan;
(2) Educate the public on urban forestry issues;
(3) Develop and adopt tree care standards;
(4) Identify funding and staffing needs and opportunities for urban forestry programs;
(5) Report on the state of the urban forest;
(6) Help secure and encourage commitment of adequate resources for tree programs; and
(7) Facilitate coordination among agencies with tree management responsibilities.
(d) This Chapter applies the Precautionary Principle to the management of trees in San Francisco by emphasizing public participation, preservation, and expansion of the urban forest.
(Added by Ord. 171-03, File No. 030422, App. 7/3/2003)
(Derivation Former Administrative Code Section 5.230)
(a) The Council's scope of authority is limited to the territorial boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco.
(b) The Council shall consider issues as they relate to trees on property managed by government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private property owners.
(c) In order to effectively address the whole of the urban forest, the Council also shall consider issues as they relate to trees on private property.
(d) The Council's scope of authority is completely advisory and educational in nature. The Council will have no authority to legislate.
(Added by Ord. 171-03, File No. 030422, App. 7/3/2003)
(Derivation Former Administrative Code Section 5.231)
(a) Council members will represent the full range of urban forest stakeholders including City agencies, non-profit organizations, tree management organizations, and community members. The Council shall be composed of fifteen voting members.
(1) The Board of Supervisors shall appoint seven voting members:
(A) One member from an educational organization involved with tree management (University of California Cooperative Extension, etc.);
(B) Two members certified by a professional tree management organization (International Society of Arboriculture, American Society of Consulting Arborists, or American Society of Landscape Architects, etc.);
(C) Two members of non-profit organizations involved in urban forestry or other environmentally-related issues; and
(D) Two members from the community.
(2) The Mayor shall appoint two voting members:
(A) One member from the tree care industry; and
(B) One member at large.
(3) The Director or General Manager of each of the following departments, or his or her designee, shall each serve as a voting member:
(A) The Director of the Department of Public Works;
(B) The Director of the Planning Department; and
(C) The General Manager of the Recreation and Park Department.
(4) The Public Utilities Commission shall appoint one voting member.
(5) The Golden Gate National Recreation Area is invited to appoint one voting member. If the Golden Gate National Recreation Area does not make an appointment within 60 days after the seat is vacant, the Presidio Trust may appoint one voting member to serve that term. If the Presidio Trust does not make an appointment within 30 days after it is authorized to do so, the Mayor shall appoint an at-large member to fill the seat for the duration of that term.
(6) The Port of San Francisco shall appoint one voting member.
(b) Council members shall serve for two years. A Council member may serve successive terms if reappointed by the authority that originally appointed the Council member. Council members serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority that appoints each Council member, as specified above. The appointing authority that appoints Council members also may appoint at-large members to serve any unfilled Council positions.
(c) The Council shall meet at least six times per year.
(d) The Council shall establish its own operating procedures, which, at a minimum, shall meet the public notice, meeting, voting, agenda and other procedural requirements set forth in local law.
(e) Subcommittees shall be created to adequately address other special areas of concern on an as needed basis.
(f) The Department of the Environment, with adequate funding to assist the Council in carrying out its mission, shall provide professional and administrative staff to the Council.
(g) All members of the Council shall serve without compensation.
(Added by Ord. 171-03, File No. 030422, App. 7/3/2003; amended by Ord. 210-08, File No. 080233, App. 9/19/2008; Ord. 239-14
, File No. 140953, App. 12/4/2014, Eff. 1/3/2015)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 5.232)