Office of the Zoning Administrator
The San Francisco Planning Department
49 South Van Ness Ave, Suite 1400
San Francisco, California 94103
The San Francisco Planning Department
49 South Van Ness Ave, Suite 1400
San Francisco, California 94103
These Planning Code Interpretations include changes through September 30, 2024
ORGANIZATION: The Interpretations are organized in two ways: according to the Planning Code Section to which they relate and alphabetically. The Interpretations by Code Section are organized with the associated Planning Code Section at the left margin followed by the subject, the effective date, and text of the interpretation. Therefore, this document is most easily understood if it is used in combination with a current copy of the Planning Code.
TEXT STYLE: Within an Interpretation, key words or phrases may be bolded as an aid in locating the correct interpretation. The bolding has no legal or other special significance. It is not necessarily the core of, or the most important part of the interpretation. It is only an aid in distinguishing an individual interpretation and locating it. In the Interpretations, emphasis of meaning is expressed by ALL CAPITAL LETTERS except where Planning Code text is quoted with emphasis added, which text is underlined.
Code Section: 101.1
Subject: Change in use defined
Effective Date: /95 (Revised 3/21)
This Section states that Priority General Plan Policy findings need to be made whenever there is a change of use. What constitutes a “change of use” pursuant to this Section is a change from one category of use to another category of use listed in the use table for the zoning use district of the subject lot. Therefore, what constitutes a change of use could vary with the use district. For example:
• Changing from a Limited Restaurant to a Restaurant would be a change of use in the Neighborhood Commercial Districts because these districts make a distinction between the two types of restaurants. But the same physical changes to a restaurant in the C-2 District would not be a change of use because the C-2 District does not make this distinction.
• Adding a general advertising sign to a building currently containing only business signs would be a change of use because general advertising signs are not allowed in some districts.
• Developing anything on a vacant lot constitutes a change of use.