Definitions. | |
Permit Required. | |
Applications for Permit. | |
Permit Fee. | |
Issuance of Permit. | |
Training. | |
Rules for Commercial Dog Walking. | |
Administrative Inspections. | |
Director's Regulations. | |
License Fees. | |
Suspension and Revocation of Permit. | |
Enforcement and Penalties. | |
Operative Date; Public Education. | |
For the purpose of this Article 39, the following words and phrases shall mean and include:
(a) "City." The City and County of San Francisco.
(b) "Commercial Dog Walking" or "Commercial Dog Walking Business." Doing business as a permittee under this Article 39.
(c) "Department." The Animal Care and Control Department of the City and County of San Francisco.
(d) "Director." The Director of the Animal Care and Control Department, or his or her designee.
(e) "Enforcement Officer."
(1) An officer or employee of the Department designated by the Director to enforce this Article 39;
(2) an officer or employee of the Port of San Francisco, the Recreation and Park Department, or the Public Utilities Commission designated by the Port Director, the General Manager of the Recreation and Park Department, or the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, respectively, to enforce this Article 39 on property under the jurisdiction of the Port, Recreation and Park Commission, or the Public Utilities Commission, respectively; or
(3) any person who is a peace officer under California Penal Code Section 830.1(a).
An officer or employee of the Department designated by the Director to enforce this Article may refer possible violations occurring on Port, Recreation and Park, or Public Utilities property to designated enforcement officers from those departments, who shall have primary responsibility for enforcement of the Article on properties under their respective jurisdictions.
(f) "Park Property." All grounds, roadways, avenues, squares, recreation facilities, and other property placed under the control, management and direction of the Recreation and Park Commission by the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco, and the open space on the blocks bounded by Market, Folsom, Third and Fourth Streets which is under the control, management and direction of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco, otherwise known as the "Yerba Buena Gardens."
"Park Property" shall also include property under the jurisdiction of the Port of San Francisco that the Port Commission has designated for inclusion under this Article 39, and property under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission that the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission has designated for inclusion under this Article 39.
(g) "Tax Collector." The Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco.
It shall be unlawful for any person to walk four or more dogs at any one time for consideration on Park Property without first having obtained a permit under this Article from the Director of the Animal Care and Control Department.
(a) Every person desiring a permit under this Article 39 shall file an application with the Director upon a form provided by the Department and pay a non-refundable permit fee.
(b) An application for a permit shall specify:
(1) The name and proposed business address of the applicant;
(2) Whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted of any crime involving the mistreatment of animals and if so convicted, the place and court in which the conviction was had, the specific charge under which the conviction was obtained, and the sentence imposed as the result of said conviction;
(3) Such information pertinent to the operation of the proposed business as the Director may require of an applicant in addition to the other requirements of this Section;
(4) The address to which notice, when required, is to be sent or mailed, and the name and address of a person authorized to accept service of process, if not otherwise set forth in the permit application; and,
(5) Whether the application is for a new permit or for the renewal of an existing permit.
(c) The application shall also include:
(1) A copy of a current valid City business registration certificate under Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 853 for the proposed Commercial Dog Walking business in the name of the proposed permittee or the permittee's proposed employer;
(2) Proof of completion of the training required under Section 3906; and,
(3) Proof of $1 million in general liability insurance, which the permittee must maintain for the full term of the permit.
(d) Every application for a permit under this Article shall be verified as provided in the California Code of Civil Procedure for the verification of pleadings.