Director of Public Works Authorized to Issue Permits. | |
Definitions—Pay Phone Service Provider; Permittee. | |
Department to Adopt Regulations. | |
Investigation and Inspection—Rules and Regulations. | |
Unlawful Without Permits. | |
Application for Permit. | |
Permit and Inspection Fee. | |
Permit. | |
Separate Permits Required for Street or Sidewalk Excavation and Electrical Work. | |
Permittee Shall Make Payments to the City and County of San Francisco. | |
Nonliability of San Francisco; Hold Harmless Clause. | |
Permittee Shall Maintain Insurance in Protection of San Francisco. | |
Restoration of Sidewalks and Streets to a Condition Satisfactory to the Department of Public Works. | |
Board of Supervisors Right of Approval and Revocation. | |
The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and empowered to issue permits, revocable at his or her discretion, to a pay phone service provider for the installation and maintenance of public pay telephones on public sidewalks within the City and County of San Francisco. In considering the issuance of permits for such public pay telephones, the Director of Public Works shall give due regard to recommendations of the Interdepartmental Staff Committee on Traffic and Transportation (ISCOTT).
(Added by Ord. 122-70, App. 4/17/70; amended by Ord. 287-92, App. 9/16/92)
(a) A "pay phone service provider" shall mean any person, firm or corporation who owns pay phones or manages and operates a business that directly provides pay phone service.
(b) For purposes of this Article, a "permittee" shall mean a pay phone service provider who holds a valid permit granted by the City and County, through its Director of Public Works, to install and maintain public pay phones on public sidewalks in the City and County of San Francisco.
(Added by Ord. 287-92, App. 9/16/92)